Solicitud u oferta de ayuda

Clean Air provides mutual aid to our members and supporters during crisis moments and supports calls for mutual aid from others in our community. This may look like grocery and supply runs, financial aid (including supporting strike and bail funds) when/if we can, y la amistad y la construcción de la comunidad a través de las muchas tecnologías y habilidades creativas a nuestra disposición..

If you wish to offer mutual aid support, or join our mutual aid emergency preparedness team, llamar 716-852-3813 ext 100, e-mail or one of the staff directly. Please include your name and phone number in the email. You can also sign up for our email list by filling out this form.

If you wish to request mutual aid support and require a timely response, please email staff directly or call us at 716-852-3813 ext 100. Please include your name and phone number in your message.

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