Congratulations to our 2018 Golden Gas Mask Award Winners!
The Golden Gas Mask Award honors people that have exemplified dedication and leadership in the fight for environmental health, justice and equity in Western New York. These individuals are movement builders that have committed countless hours of their time to leading our region towards a better tomorrow. They have demonstrated a deep commitment to action […]
Strategic Plan (Almost) Finished!
After over a year of discussions, readings, and debate we’re finally getting close to finishing our 5-year Strategic Plan to put before our Board of Directors. Our draft plan was created through: numerous discussions and evaluations by our strategic planning committee, a membership survey to assess the organizations strengths, growing edges, and potential 5 year […]
Towards Energy Democracy – Workshop February 22nd!
From energy access and community owned solar to workers’ rights, people across the world are taking back power over the energy sector, re-imagining how energy might be produced, distributed and used. Join us to learn from leaders across the state on approaches to make our energy system renewable, equitable, accountable and local. This two hour, interactive […]
Clean Air Annual Meeting Saturday, February 3rd
What a year it has been at Clean Air! Our organization has made a tremendous impact in our communities and, most likely, right in your own neighborhood. We’ve won a commitment from the DEC to begin cleaning up the former American Axle site on East Delavan, which has been leaking PCBs for more than 20 […]
City of Buffalo Proposal Day!
The City of Buffalo is hosting it’s first ever Budget Proposal Day where residents are invited to speak on their proposals for the $500 Million Dollar City Budget! This is the first time in city history where the public has been invited to influence the budget before it’s created! Bring a friend, bring a neighbor, […]
$25K in 25 Days!!!
This is it! Today we launch our $25K in 25 Days Campaign! This past year, Clean Air members consistently came together across lines of difference to organize our communities and make sure that we are building a world we all want to live in. Our campaigns have had to face shifting policies, the threat of […]
Free Rides to Polls for Voters this Election Day!
A partnership between Clean Air, Community Power for Health and Justice, and Liberty Cab can help! On November 7th the Liberty Cab Company will provide any Erie County resident a ride to and from their polling place free of charge. This is the second year that Liberty Cab has partnered up with us to drive voters […]
Clean Air’s Response to the University at Buffalo’s Tonawanda Health Study
The following statement was written collaboratively by Tonawanda members, Clean Air board members and Clean Air staff. Members of the Clean Air Board of Directors are elected through an annual membership vote. Members of Clean Air live in neighborhoods in Western New York that are disproportionately impacted by pollution, and pay annual organizational dues, lead campaigns and […]
Town of Tonawanda Unveils Economic Development Plan
Collaborative Plan Creates Pathway for Life After Huntley Coal Plan Closure On Wednesday, June 21st at 6:30pm elected officials, representatives from community organizations, organized labor, and Town residents will come together for the official release of the Tonawanda Tomorrow economic development plan. This plan provides a pathway for the town to make up revenue loss […]