New York State Hearing on Tonawanda Coke’s Cease and Desist Order October 10th
An administrative hearing on Tonawanda Coke’s air permit, and other environmental issues will take place on Wednesday, October 10th at 10am at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (270 Michigan Avenue in Buffalo). An administrative judge will hear evidence from both Tonawanda Coke attorneys and attorneys from the Department of Environmental Conservation. This […]
THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! We are excited to announce Clean Air’s Football, Food & Fun(draiser) Sponsorship Partners. We are grateful to have the support of so many incredible businesses and organizations. Together, we will ensure that Western New York continues to strive for healthy, just and equitable communities. Touchdown Sponsors Tobacco Free Erie Niagara […]
Tonawanda Coke Found Guilty
Today, US District Court Judge William Skretny found that the Tonawanda Coke Corporation is guilty of criminal probation violations. This verdict was delivered after a full day hearing last Friday, regarding violations of their 2014 criminal sentence. (watch Investigative Post’s summary of of Tonawanda Cokes criminal history) At the hearing the US Government referenced many […]
Tonawanda Coke’s Probation Case Continues
This morning Tonawanda Coke appeared in US District Court in front of the Honorable Judge William Skretny regarding potential violations of the company’s probation from their 2013 court case and 2014 criminal sentence. At the hearing, US Attorney Aaron Mango referred to many instances where the company violated the probation order, including numerous compliance issues brought forth […]
Tonawanda Coke to Appear in US District Court on Tuesday
On Tuesday, September 4th at 10:30am Tonawanda Coke and CEO Paul Saffrin are ordered to appear back in US District Court in front of the Honorable Judge William Skretny regarding potential violations of the company’s probation from their 2013 criminal sentence. Federal probation officials contend the company’s emissions are a threat to human health and the environment and the […]
Tonawanda Coke Corporation Issued Shutdown Order!
Tonawanda, NY – On July 20th NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner Basil Seggos issued a Cease and Desist Letter with a “Notice of Intent to revoke” DEC’s operating permit. The order states DEC inspected the Tonawanda Coke facility, on July 19, 2018 following numerous resident complaints. During the inspection DEC documented several violations of […]
Tonawanda Coke Confirms Waste Tunnel Collapse
In May, The Tonawanda Coke Corporation confirmed our allegations that the waste heat tunnel at their facility had collapsed, possibly causing toxic emissions to spew into the surrounding community. The waste heat tunnel is a concrete tunnel that runs underground the length of the battery, all 60 coke manufacturing ovens. The main purpose of the waste heat tunnel is […]
Final City of Budget Public Hearing!
This past January, hundreds of residents went to City Hall for City Budget Public Engagement day to tell the Common Council how Buffalo should spend its $500 million dollar City Budget. Buffalo residents will have final public hearing to hold the Common Council accountable to the demands of city residents. Common Council can approve, deny, […]
Thank You to This Year’s Annual Dinner Sponsors!
THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS! We are excited to announce Clean Air’s 9th Annual Dinner Sponsorship Partners. We are grateful to have the support of so many incredible businesses and organizations. Together, we will ensure that Western New York continues to strive for healthy, just and equitable communities. PREMIER SPONSOR Eagle Hawk PLATINUM SPONSOR […]