A.G. Schneiderman demanda para prevenir la reapertura del crematorio de la funeraria Amigone por violaciones ambientales persistentes
Olor del crematorio, El hollín y el ruido han plagado durante mucho tiempo el vecindario de Tonawanda
La demanda de A.G. busca bloquear el funcionamiento del crematorio en un vecindario residencial
Schneiderman: Esta demanda tranquilizará a la comunidad de que el crematorio de Amigone nunca más ensuciará su aire y perturbará sus vidas
BÚFALO – Fiscal General Eric T. Schneiderman y el Departamento de Conservación Ambiental del Estado (Diciembre) El comisionado Joe Martens anunció hoy una demanda para evitar que Amigone Funeral Home Inc. de reabrir su crematorio en un barrio residencial de la ciudad de Tonawanda, Condado de Erie. El crematorio, que tiene un largo historial de generar olores ofensivos, Hollín, y ruido excesivo en el vecindario, ha sido la fuente de quejas persistentes de la comunidad. Mientras un julio 2012 acuerdo con la oficina del Fiscal General Schneiderman resultó en que Amigone suspendiera las operaciones en el crematorio, la funeraria ha manifestado recientemente su intención de reiniciar operaciones.
“El crematorio Amigone ha ensombrecido a esta comunidad de Tonawanda durante demasiado tiempo,” Fiscal General Schneiderman dijo. “Las emisiones molestas ofensivas del crematorio han plagado durante mucho tiempo a los residentes., interferir con placeres básicos como abrir ventanas y disfrutar de los patios traseros. Esta demanda asegurará a esta comunidad que el crematorio Amigone nunca más contaminará su aire y perturbará sus vidas.. Con esta acción, mi oficina apoya a los residentes de Tonawanda para proteger su derecho a disfrutar, aire fresco.”
Comisionado del DEC Joe Martens dijo, “El DEC remitió este asunto al Fiscal General para su ejecución cuando quedó claro que a pesar de los esfuerzos de Amigone, el crematorio estaba causando una violación continua de las leyes y regulaciones de DEC. La oficina del Procurador General trabajó en estrecha colaboración con el personal de DEC para iniciar esta acción., y felicito sus esfuerzos para evitar que el crematorio impacte aún más a la comunidad vecina.”
La demanda del Fiscal General, que se presentó en la Corte Suprema del condado de Erie, acusa que Amigone no puede operar el crematorio sin violar las leyes estatales de contaminación del aire y crear una molestia para los residentes cercanos. La demanda busca bloquear permanentemente el funcionamiento del crematorio de Amigone en su propiedad de Sheridan Drive.. La demanda también busca sanciones monetarias contra Amigone por violar repetidamente la contaminación del aire del estado y otras leyes..
El crematorio Amigone, que inició operaciones en agosto 1991, está ubicado junto a un tranquilo vecindario residencial. Desde el comienzo, los residentes de Werkley Road y sus alrededores se han quejado de los olores del crematorio, hollín y ruido excesivo. Las condiciones empeoraron cuando el incinerador de la instalación fue reemplazado en julio 2009. Los residentes han documentado emisiones de humo oscuro, que denota la liberación de partículas de las operaciones de cremación en el vecindario, y DEC notificaron al crematorio de una violación grave de los límites de emisiones de humo en mayo 2012.
Julio pasado, El Procurador General Schneiderman llegó a un acuerdo con Amigone que requería el cierre de la instalación por un período de seis meses, mientras que Amigone buscaba la aprobación de la Junta del Cementerio del Estado de Nueva York para reubicar su operación de crematorio.. El acuerdo disponía además que si Amigone no lograba obtener la aprobación para reubicarse y deseaba reabrir durante el período de seis meses, la empresa necesitaría contratar a un experto externo para desarrollar recomendaciones para cambios operativos que se dirigieran a los residentes’ preocupaciones sobre los olores, Hollín, fumar, y ruido.
El año pasado, la Junta del Cementerio del Estado de Nueva York rechazó la petición de Amigone de reubicar el crematorio., y esa determinación fue confirmada en la Corte Suprema del Estado este abril. Aunque Amigone ha tomado medidas públicas para reanudar las operaciones en su sitio actual, No ha proporcionado información sobre la contratación de un experto o el desarrollo de planes de ingeniería para eliminar las emisiones ilegales y objetables del crematorio..
Rebecca Newberry, Organizador Comunitario, La Coalición de Aire Limpio de W.N.Y., dijo, “La Coalición de Aire Limpio aplaude al Fiscal General Eric Schneiderman y su equipo en Buffalo por tomar medidas para evitar la reapertura del crematorio Amigone. Durante años, Los vecinos del crematorio se vieron obligados a vivir con los olores ofensivos de la instalación., humo oscuro y ruido fuerte. Agradecemos a la oficina del Fiscal General por defender la calidad de vida de estas familias.”
El Procurador General Schneiderman agradece al Departamento de Conservación Ambiental por sus esfuerzos en este asunto..
El caso está a cargo de los fiscales generales adjuntos Jane Cameron y Michael Myers y la científica del personal Jennifer Nalbone., bajo la supervisión del científico jefe Alan Belensz, Jefa adjunta de la oficina Lisa M. Burianek, Jefe de la oficina Lemuel M. Srolovic, Fiscal General Adjunto Ejecutivo de Justicia Social Alvin Bragg y Primera Adjunta de Litigio Afirmativo Janet Sabel. Región DEC 9 La abogada Maureen Brady y los ingenieros ambientales Alfred Carlacci y Alan Zylinski ayudaron en el caso..
10 de octubre “¿Qué está pasando en los Apalaches?”
Este pasado junio, Clean Air envió una delegación de miembros a Appalachia para reunirse con miembros del Coalfield Environmental Health Project, una organización comunitaria compuesta por residentes que viven cerca de los sitios de minería a cielo abierto en Beards Fork,Virginia del Oeste.
Para 3 dias, our members learned first hand how residents are fighting coal companies who strip their land and pollute their wells and water sources.
The Coalfield Environmental Health Project was chosen as a sister group due to their experience successfully organizing around the connections between health and pollution. Residents who live near surface mining sites show a higher rate of heart disease, respiratory problems, cancer and birth defects.
On October 10th, our delegates will share their stories and what they learned during this intense and transformative experience.
Join us at 6pm at the River Rd. Salón de Bomberos Voluntarios (39 Avenida Kaufman. Tonawanda NY 14150)
Nos merecemos algo mejor
Todo lo que estábamos tratando de hacer era enviar comentarios al Departamento de Transporte después de su reunión pública de alcance., pero no se nos permitió. El 10 de julio, un día antes de la fecha límite para los comentarios públicos sobre los planes NY Gateway, Miembros de Clean Air y residentes de West Side, así como algunos de nuestros socios organizativos, como prisionero de guerra, PUSH Buffalo, y Coalition for Economic Justice, held a press conference telling Maria Lehman of the DOT that the West Side deserves better efforts of inclusivity. Even though we were promised fair and just public participation efforts, residents received short or no notice at all about the public scoping meeting; presentations, handouts, and relevant information regarding the project were all in English. To top it off, representatives at the meeting blamed the low turnout on the residents! We deserve better! We deserve to be included in the decisions that affect our neighborhood! Those decisions should not be made by people who do not live here, and that is exactly what we said outside the DOT before we tried to walk in and hand in our comments. Here’s a great video of members being denied entry into a public building. The next day the DOT announces that the public comment period has been extended until July 22- a big WIN for residents! It shouldn’t take a rally for the DOT to include residents in on the decisions that will affect their neighborhood, and potentially, their health. We shouldn’t have to fight for our public agencies to do the right thing. If you would like to learn more on our efforts to push for true inclusion on the West Side, you can call or email Natasha at 716-852-3813 o natasha@cacwny.org~~V. Materials are available on the website in English and Espanol. |
You can read our public comments to the DOT NY Gateway Connections Improvement Project, as well as comments from our members below:
Aire limpio‘s Comments
Los resultados del presupuesto participativo ya están disponibles!
El 28 de marzo, twelve jurors found Tonawanda Coke Corporation and its environmental control manager Mark Kamholz guilty of violating the Clean Air Act and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act.
Y juntos, en junio, we made history when nearly 600 los residentes afectados por Tonawanda Coke votaron sobre cómo gastar el dinero del acuerdo.
This process is built off of the Participatory budgeting process. Presupuesto participativo (PB) es un proceso democrático en el que los miembros de la comunidad deciden directamente cómo gastar parte de un presupuesto público. PB was first developed in Brazil in the 1980s as part of a larger effort to establish democracy and citizen participation after decades of military dictatorship, political patronage and corruption. PB is now used throughout Latin America, a growing number of European Countries, New York City and Chicago. Learn more about PB here.
Here were the top results:
Title | Descripción | Cost | Votes |
Industrial Pollution Prevention Project | A project that will work with small to medium-sized manufacturers in the Tonawandas, Riverside, and Grand Island to reduce toxic chemical use, emisiones, and waste, as well as improve the efficiency of energy, raw material, and water usage. | $250,000 | 260 |
Community Environment Health Institute | The development of a long-standing community engaged environmental health institute targeted at research, formación, prevention, and healthcare coordination to improve the health of WNY residents, especially those in areas affected by air pollution. | $15 y abogar ante los funcionarios públicos sobre la contaminación y las molestias de la demolición de Battaglia | 236 |
Wickwire Park Redevelopment Project | The purchase and renovation of an approximately 40-acre site along the Niagara River for the purposes of providing waterfront access, historic re-use, la creación de empleo, and alternative energy generation. | $4 y abogar ante los funcionarios públicos sobre la contaminación y las molestias de la demolición de Battaglia | 217 |
Tonawanda Area Environmental Health Study | A community-oriented study of environmental health in the Tonawanda region focusing on cancer incidences and air pollution exposure patterns. | $100,000 | 209 |
Town of Tonawanda Tree Farms | The development of a new tree farm and model community garden in addition to the restocking of Old Town’s current tree farm and the eventual transplantation of trees throughout the Tonawanda area. | $150,000 | 209 |
Now it’s in the hands of the judge who will decide the company’s sentence. Up to $50 million could be spent here to fund these projects! We’ve sent the complete list of results to the Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Justice. Together we have delivered a strong message that we want a healthier region and that we have great ideas on how to make that happen!
The Clean Air Coalition has led the charge against Tonawanda Coke – and the voting process. We could not have done this without our dedicated and courageous miembros. Who, with our staff, made over 3,000 get out the vote calls, sent over 2,000 pieces of mail, held a community assembly with terminado 100 residentes, hosted 4 planning meetings, set up 12 voting locations and counted nearly 600 ballots.
Become a sustaining member of the Clean Air Coalition to help us keep going. Con su generoso regalo de membresía de $25, $35 o $60 Podemos seguir siendo una fuerza por la justicia ambiental en nuestra región..
Llamadas telefónicas, Manifestaciones, Reuniones ... OH MI!
Clean Air Courtney and Air Quality Alex
Por: Courtney Sokol & alex pescador
My name is Courtney Sokol and I am a Cornell High Road Fellow interning at the Clean Air Coalition. Estuve involucrado en proyectos de defensa ambiental durante la escuela secundaria., así que esta fue una ubicación emocionante y gratificante para mí. As a High Road Fellow, I am responsible for representing Cornell within the city of Buffalo. Director Ejecutivo, Erin Heaney, and the rest of the Clean Air Coalition staff have afforded me ample opportunities to get involved with advocacy, policy, and grass-roots environmental organizing in the greater Buffalo area.
My name is Alex Fisher. I am a student at the Nichols School in Buffalo. After hearing Erin speak in the fall of 2012 I knew immediately that I wanted to intern at Clean Air! Working here this summer has solidified my interest in supporting environmental justice in Western New York and pushed me to try to increase awareness in my school community.
Working at the Clean Air Coalition has been a rewarding and eye opening experience. The non-profit community in Buffalo has a lot to offer. The different organizations work together on varying projects to improve quality of life for residents of the greater Buffalo area. Clean Air works to ensure environmental justice for citizens and workers. It has been an exciting summer at the Delaware Avenue office. The five interns entered at the busiest possible time. Clean Air Coalition spearheaded the fight against the criminal actions of the Tonawanda Coke plant. The lawsuit that followed allowed for fine money to be brought back into the area. The Clean Air Coalition developed a strategy to gain residential input on how to spend the money through a process of participatory budgeting. Projects eligible for voting ranged from pollution prevention to a community health center. The interns assisted in making turn out calls for voting, counting and recording votes, and coordinating the tally count party at the final voting location. Casi 600 residents of Tonawanda turned out to vote, making the process a victory for democratic reform!
Another exciting event that the interns were involved in was the press conference outside of the Department of Transportation pertaining to the Peace Bridge expansion project. The project is proposed to cost over 20 million dollars, and double the amount of cars and trucks passing through the residential West Side neighborhood. This will perpetuate already poor air conditions, and health problems within the community. The interns helped to make signs, inform the press, and make turn out calls. The deadline for submitting public comments was extended by the Governor’s office due to the hard work of Clean Air and the West Side community.
Although the Clean Air Coalition operates as a highly efficient organization, as an intern it is surprising to see how difficult is is to build community support. It is amazing how much work goes into getting people to give input, turn out to vote, or support a meeting. Interns are responsible for making thousands of calls. It is disheartening when the person at the other end hangs up. Despite minor setbacks, Irlanda, Rebecca, and Natasha do not give up on community outreach. They are well known in Western New York for working vigorously towards resident involvement and outreach.
Hasta aquí, the summer has been full of exciting memories and events at the Clean Air Coalition. One stand out memory for the interns was partaking in the rally at the Department of Transportation. It was exciting to see our work pay off when Governor Cuomo extended the public deadline after the media covered the event. It was also entertaining when a bat flew into the office and disrupted everyone who was hard at work. Aside from the great work that is done at the Clean Air Coalition, it has been rewarding to work beside inspiring, intelligent, and fun people. The role of the “intern” is often looked at as “paying your time” before you break into the work force. As interns at CAC, we are treated with respect and trust. The attitudes’ of the staff here make work enjoyable and fulfilling every day.
La fecha límite para las declaraciones de impacto de Tonawanda Coke se trasladó al 1 de agosto
¿Ha sido afectado por el comportamiento criminal de Tonawanda Coke?? No es demasiado tarde para enviar una declaración de impacto a la oficina del fiscal de EE. UU..
Una Declaración de impacto es su oportunidad de decirle al juez cómo los crímenes de Tonawanda Coke han afectado su vida o la vida de su familia.. The purpose of an Impact Statement is to assure the most appropriate sentence for the convicted offender.
Below are some general guidelines for preparing such a statement. The last day to submit an impact statement is August 1, 2013.
- Keep the statement as succinct and to the point as possible.
- List any impact the crime and/or the defendants’ conduct has had on you and/or your family.
- Details of the emotional impact of the crime on you and your family.
- Details of the financial impact of the crime. This could include, loss of wages, medical or counselling expenses, travel costs etc.
- Address any thoughts about what type of sentence you feel the defendants should receive.
- Include anything else you feel is important for the judge to know before imposing a sentence.
Please submit your Impact Statement and address any questions to:
United States Attorney’s Office
Attn: Sharon Knope
138 Delaware Avenue, Búfalo, Nueva York 14202.
(716) 843-5828
For more information on impact statements go to the US Attorney’s website.
Sentencing for both Tonawanda Coke Corporation and Mark Kamholz is set for September 30, 2013 en 9:00am before U.S. District Court Chief Judge William Skretny in the Federal Courthouse at 2 Niagara Square (9th floor), Búfalo, Nueva York. To read the government memorandum detailing more information about the trial and the case click AQUÍ.
Es hora de VOTAR!
Es hora de VOTAR sobre cómo USTED gastaría las multas penales de Tonawanda Coke.
On May 23rd we will held a general assembly over a hundred resident brainstormed ideas on what they need to make their community a healthier place to live. To learn more see this article in the Buffalo News.
Over the next few weeks residents from the Tonawandas, Grand Island and parts of Riverside will be meeting to flush out the project ideas, create budgets and secure letters of support from organizations.
The finalized projects will be presented to the community the third week of June for a community wide vote. The projects that gets the most votes will be submitted to the U.S. Justice Department and EPA.
Now its time to decide on what project YOU would like to see in your community.
Saturday, Junio 15ª desde 10:30am-12:30pm Brighton Place Library 999 Brighton Place Rd. Tonawanda
Sunday, Junio 16ª from 9am-noon St. Iglesia de Timoteo, 1453 Staley Rd. Grand Island
lunes, Junio 17ª from 9am-6:30pm St. Iglesia de Timoteo, 1453 Staley Rd. Grand Island – pick up and drop off ballot to church secretary
lunes, Junio 17ª from 5pm-9pm City Hall Community Room 200 Niagara St. Ciudad de Tonawanda
Martes, Junio 18ª from 9am-4pm Town of Tonwawnda (second floor conference room) 2919 Delaware Ave.. Kenmore
Miércoles, Junio 19ª desde 12:30-1:30pm Tonawanda Senior Center 291 Ensminger Rd. Tonawanda
Miércoles. Junio 19ª desde 3:30pm-7pm Phatman Skate Shop 2889 Sheridan Dr.. Tonawanda
Jueves, Junio 20ª desde 7:30am-1pm North Tonawanda Farmers Market Payne Ave & Robinson St.
THURSDAY, Junio 20ª at 6pm
Boys and Girls Club
54 Riverdale Rd.Off of River Road next to the GM Plant
We NEED polling volunteers! To volunteer at a voting site – contactar a Rebeca en 716-852-3813 or email her at Rebecca@cacwny.org
To download a voting flier and post it around town click here: Tonawanda Settlement Voting Flier
Neighborhood Leader Summit w/ Green for All
Community Power Building: Búfalo
Written by Maritza Martinez
Fellowship Program Manager, verde para todos
Semana pasada, I joined Green For All’s Director of Education and Outreach, Julian Mocine-McQueen on a trip to Buffalo to meet with the Clean Air Coalition of Western New York. Our goal was to bring together allies from around the city to explore how we could collaborate.
We visited some of Buffalo’s environmental justice hot spots, including the Tonawanda area, where toxic industrial polluters burn coal and refine petroleum across the street from homes and playgrounds. Not surprisingly, this area has an extremely high rate of asthma and other respiratory illnesses. After much effort on the part of the Clean Air Coalition, air monitors were placed downwind of the industries to record the different pollutants that the surrounding community is breathing. The monitors found an unusually high percentage of the carcinogen Benzene in the air. I personally experienced the noxious odors that residents encounter daily.
Neighborhoods around Buffalo face environmental and economic injustice issues on a constant basis. It’s not just in Tonawanda. We learned of a local school on the Buffalo’s west side, where thousands of trucks idle all day, waiting to go through customs and enter Canada. In this area, fresh air must be pumped into the local elementary school, because the air outside is too toxic for the kids to breathe all day. A playground and a small grass mound is all that stands between families’ homes and massive trucks blowing out toxic fumes.
With these experiences for context, we met with fifteen leaders from throughout Buffalo’s diverse neighborhoods to discuss the problems in their communities, share resources, and form new personal and organizational connections. We were joined by Green For All fellows Natasha Soto from Clean Air Coalition of Western New York and Clarke Gocker from PUSH Buffalo, as well as representatives from the NAACP, La Coalición por la Justicia Económica, Citizen Action of New York, Buffalo Car Share, Environmental Justice Action Group, Hispanic Heritage Council of Western New York, and Grupo Ministrial.
The most pressing issues they identified in Buffalo include poor air quality, inadequate housing stock, lack of youth investment, and insufficient jobs. Community groups are tackling these issues one neighborhood at a time, but more cross-neighborhood conversations, collaborative work, and resource sharing would help the city and its residents meet these challenges. Together, our group developed a vision of what Buffalo could look like if the community groups achieved their goals, and we identified milestones to help get there.
We can’t wait to see this vision unfold and to lift up Buffalo as a partner and a model for other communities around the country who are facing similar challenges.
Support the Delegation to West Virginia
From June 8th -11th, 5 members from Tonawanda and Buffalo will travel to Fayetteville, West Virginia to meet with members of several grassroots community organizations who fight for environmental justice in Appalachia.
Our members are regular people who live in neighborhoods that are up against huge polluters. We will learn how residents are fighting coal companies who are stripping their land and polluting water sources near their homes with toxic chemicals. We will share strategies, action ideas and work to build our movement that priorities people’s health. After the delegation, our members will present on our observations and discuss how the work of Appalachian communities has impact on our work in Tonawanda and Buffalo.
To make this incredible movement building opportunity possible, we need to raise $2,000 by June 8th. Our members are doing their own fundraising in order to be part of this delegation. A donation de $10 will help train local leaders to continue to build a strong environmental justice movement in Western New York.
Thank you so much for your support!
Tonawanda Reads Session 2 Disscussion Questions
The second session of our book club will be held at the Brighton Library this Saturday, May 18th from 11:30-12:30.
We will be discussing chapters 3 y 4 de Criando a Elías, sin embargo, si aún no ha leído o comprado el libro, no te preocupes! te alcanzaremos. Preguntas? o para registrarse envíe un correo electrónico a Rebecca@cacwny.org.
Capítulo 3: The Grocery List (and the Ozone Hole)
1.Was there a specific passage throughout this chapter that stood out to you?
2. Steingraber discusses in great deal the dangers of pesticides in food – particularly to the brain. Do you currently try to eat organic foods? Do you think that eating organic foods makes sense?
3. En la página 66 the author talks about rules she uses with her children about food. What were the “rules” or lessons you learned growing up when it came to nutrition? Are your tastes in food similar or different then they were when you were a child?
Organic food
- Huffington Post articles on the organic food movement
- New York Times “Is a Food Revolution now in Season?“
ADHD connections to food pesticides
Capítulo 4: Pizza (and Ecosystem Services)
1. What are your feelings on Steingraber’s ‘pizza experiment’ (pág. 87-88).
2. Do you think differently about the cost of organic food after reading this chapter? Why or why not?
3. Besides cost, what are some other challenges or barriers to eating pesticide free food?
- USDA Food Plan (cited on page 84)
- Mother Jones: Poisoning Workers at the Bottom of the Food Chain
- Food Matters: 10 Tips for buying organic food on a budget