Common Council toma medidas para llevar PB a Buffalo!

Julio 22, 2014

Common Council to Explore Participatory Budgeting in Buffalo

New group will develop recommendations for implementing process in the Queen City



BÚFALO, NY - El Consejo Común votó hoy unánimemente para establecer un grupo de trabajo para aprender más sobre el Presupuesto Participativo y desarrollar recomendaciones para implementar el proceso en Buffalo.. Participatory Budgeting is a different way to manage public money, and to engage people in government. Es un proceso democrático en el que los miembros de la comunidad deciden directamente cómo gastar parte de un presupuesto público.. It was first developed in Brazil in 1989 and there are now over 1,000 participatory budgets around the world used by counties, states, housing authorities, escuelas, universities and other public agencies. The resolution tasks a dynamic working group with learning more about the process.

“I am pleased to sponsor, along with my colleagues in the Buffalo Common Council, the establishment of a committee for the purpose of implementing a Participatory Budgeting process in the city of Buffalo, similar to what currently exists in other successful municipalities throughout the county,” said Councilmember Michael J. LoCurto. “As evidenced by the full support of the Buffalo Common Council, participatory budgeting is an empowering tool that the City of Buffalo can utilize to engage city of Buffalo residents on how to spend public money, while simultaneously strengthening communities and deepening democracy.”

“This is a process we hope will grow, amplifying the voice and will of the people to get things accomplished that are most meaningful to their community,” said Councilmember Rasheed N.C. Wyatt.

“We are constantly looking for ways to get our residents more involved in local government and I believe participatory budgeting is a key process to getting more people involved, especially those populations that have historically have been disengaged or even prevented from participating in democracy, said Councilmember David Rivera. “Democracy is the one place where there are never too many cooks in the kitchen and I look forward to having more Buffalonians involved in local government.”

Buffalo has an opportunity to join New York City, Chicago, Bostón, and over 1,500 cities around the world in giving residents real power over real money, said Josh Lerner, Executive Director of the Participatory Budgeting Project, a non-profit organization that supports participatory budgeting across the US. “For over two years, community groups and officials in Buffalo have been laying the groundwork for participatory budgeting. With the White House now promoting participatory budgeting as a model for civic engagement, this is an ideal time for Buffalo to take public engagement to the next level.


“I’m looking for to coming together so that we can see the outcomes we want in our neighborhood, said Tangia Delk, a city of Buffalo resident who attended the Participatory Budgeting conference in 2013. “Let’s budget together, listen to one another, and do right by this money and our community.”

The resolution is the culmination of many years of organizing and local learning about participatory budgeting. En 2012, now New York City Council President Melissa Mark-Viverito who has implemented PB in her council district visited Buffalo and spoke with the Common Council and local community groups. The city has also hosted Josh Lerner, director of the Participatory Budgeting Project. En 2013, a delegation of community leaders and organizations led by the Clean Air Coalition of Western New York traveled to Chicago to attend the Participatory Budgeting Conference. The trip was supported by Councilmember Michael J. LoCurto, David A. Rivera, and Joseph Golombek, jr..

Aire limpio: Organizing for Health and Justice is a grassroots environmental health and justice organization that works throughout the region to improve public health, the environment and our democracy.

We moved!

new house


Over the years, Clean Air’s work has grown larger and deeper. As we’ve expanded to new neighborhoods and new fights, our staff and team of volunteers has also grown. So our board has found us a beautiful, new office where we can hold community meetings, phone bank, and our staff has the space to work comfortably.

Our new location is at 52 Linwood Avenue in Buffalo.

Juntos superamos nuestra meta de campaña de fin de año, Julio 28 from 4-6pm, we are holding an Open House & Potluck. Please consider stopping by see our new office, get an update on current events, share some good food, and meet the members and supporters who help keep our campaigns running!

We managed to buy almost nothing newand we’d like to keep it that way! We need the following items to make the office feel finished and comfortable. If you can donate any of these items please just give us a call at 716-852-3813.

Garbage cans and recycling bins

Floor and table lamps




Area rugs

Folding tables

Suspension rods for windows

Chairs for conference room

Comfy chair or couch

Door mats



Broom and dust pan


Cloth napkins


Combating Climate Change Film SeriesThis August!

Want a way to stay involved with Clean Air over the summer?

Want to learn more about Climate Change?

Do you just like watching movies?

If you answered yes to any of these questions Clean Air has something for you!

This August, Clean Air is hosting a Combating Climate Change Film Series. We will be screening three films about climate change and its interactions with people
that are fun, informative, and help explain why the work we all do for the environment is so important.
The series starts on August 5th with a screening of The 11th Hour, a film that examines the threat of climate change on human life and poses the question: Will the
world’s population employ break-through technologies and change our behavior to save our species?
Then join us on August 12th por The Island President to see how climate change is threatening the lives of people in the Maldives and how one
man is working to stop it before it’s too late.
Finally on August 19th, come watch a film that is less science and more politics. Everything’s Cool is a documentary that studies the politics
behind keeping climate change out of the mainstream and the struggle to make everyone recognize its urgency. By the end we should all be inspired to work towards marshaling the public and political will necessary to save our species and our planet.
These films are sure to inform and entertain and all are welcome, so we hope to see you all there!
The Brighton Place Library
999 Brighton Road
Tonawanda, Nueva York 14150
Tuesdays August 5th, 12ª, and 19th at 6pm
Download the flier(film series flier (1))
For more information call (716) 852-3813 or contact us at

Green Buffers: From Oakland to Buffalo!

natasha bamboo
Our members on the west side have been working hard to find solutions to the asthma epidemic. One idea we’re learning more about is using green buffers to protect the community from diesel exhaust, ruido, light and vibrations from trucks.
This Tuesday we’re hosting Brent Bucknum from Urban Biofilter who will lead a workshop on how they’ve used green buffers to help improve air quality in the port of Oakland.
Urban Biofilter is the leading non-profit behind Adapt Oakland, a green infrastructure master plan for West Oakland, a port community that faces similar air quality concerns as the West Side of Buffalo. Adapt Oakland was created using research on the potential of green infrastructure to mitigate urban air and water pollution. Research that was used to lay the groundwork for the implementation of green infrastructure in highly-impacted communities in West Oakland.
West Side residents living near the Peace Bridge have been asking for mitigation in order to protect them from carcinogenic diesel exhaust, and we are very excited to host a leading expert in urban green buffers. We are really hoping you can make it!
The workshop is at 6:00 pm at PPG Buffalo’s offices – 237 Main Street.

Just Transitions Conference Huge Success!

On June 7th we hosted the Just Transitions: Good Jobs and Healthy Communities Conference at New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). We were joined by leading experts from across the country in coal finance, energía renovable, y desarrollo comunitario sostenible y democrático.
We know that we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to build a new, stronger economy and vibrant community that is good for workers and families in Tonawanda, and throughout Erie County.
Thanks to all of our fantastic speakers, voluntarios, interns and members that made the day possible. Check out photos from the day aquí!
We have posted all of the presentations on the website Be sure to check out these great presentations!
JTC Conference

Kate’s Reflections on the Just Transition Conference

kate and glenn

Kate and one of our leaders, Glenn at the Just Transition conference

After attending the Just Transition Conference this past weekend, I walked away with my mind full of new issues, concepts, and ideas I learned from the various speakers.

primero, I was surprised to see all of the statistics regarding coal plants in general and their decreasing success throughout the recent years. I was also definitely surprised to hear about where the money is in our economy. Les Leopold made a lot of great points, showing where the money is and how unbalanced our society is.

To accomplish our goal of a Just Transition, and any move in a new direction for that matter, money is a key component. Funding is necessary to make up for energy that will be lost if the plant retires as well as the tax revenue that is needed for Tonawanda. I also enjoyed hearing about the alternative energy options including wind and solar energy. Sin embargo, I did see that these would be very large scale projects that would make up for the lost energy and would probably have very high start-up costs associated with it.

The last panel that focused on the transition itself was my favorite panel of the day. The panel brought in great speakers that have gone through or are in the process of going through very similar problems that we are. I think they can really relate to our current state and were able to show us some sort of light at the end the tunnel. There is a lot of information that was presented at the conference and I think the last panel was able to show everyone that it IS possible to transition to a new future.

In the end, I’m not quite sure what is the best direction for Tonawanda to go, but I think we need to keep spreading the word to get a broader base of support. There are a lot of criteria that needs to be kept in mind in moving forward and I think we need to get more support. We need to be able to have a fund set up that can help with the financing of the transition. Additionally I think we need to have a solid end goal for the site. I don’t think at this time it would be wise to convert the site to natural gas energy because soon enough we would have to turn around again and move towards greener energy for the future. Globally we are moving in the direction of greener energy and I think it is possible for us to be a part of the global move in that direction. There definitely is potential for the site to become more a part of the community as well and reconnect us to the waterfront once more.

I think the conference did a great job bringing such a wide range of perspectives and I’m hoping that we keep the discussion open and moving in a positive direction. Our biggest issue is that we need a plan so that if the plant closes we are prepared to do something about it.

Kate is an intern at the Clean Air Coalition, a Tonawanda resident and a student at SUNY ESF.


Conferencia sobre la perspectiva de Flora sobre la transición justa

Este pasado sábado, 7 de junio, Asistí a la Conferencia de Transición Justa de la Clean Air Coalition para discutir el futuro de la planta de carbón Huntley en Tonawanda y las plantas de carbón en general.. Aunque hubo varios paneles informativos a lo largo de la jornada, era el de Les Leopold 99 panel de Percent Economics que me dejó a la vez indignado y asombrado durante todo.

El tema central de su panel fue la tendencia a la financiarización., o la transformación de todos y de todo en fuente de ingresos para el sector financiero. Estaba consciente de esta tendencia antes de la conferencia., aunque de forma abstracta, pero el uso que hizo Leopold de gráficos y estadísticas claros y directos hizo que la financiarización y el daño desproporcionado que causa fuera mucho más concreto e impactante., aunque no es sorprendente debido a mi conocimiento general del sector financiero impulsado por las ganancias que está destruyendo el medio ambiente y aumentando la desigualdad..

Uno de los hechos que más me impactó fue que en 2010 la parte superior de Wall Street. Gestor de fondos de cobertura creado 2.4 millones de dólares LA HORA, que es la misma cantidad que gana una familia estadounidense promedio en 47 AÑOS. Esto pone de relieve la enorme desigualdad que existe hoy y que sólo empeorará si el sector financiero sigue en gran medida desregulado.. Esta desigualdad no sólo es perjudicial a nivel personal, Algunos viven en exceso mientras que muchos ni siquiera ganan un salario digno real., pero también está dañando el medio ambiente, ya que nos hace sentir que no podemos permitirnos proteger el medio ambiente.. El creciente endeudamiento también hace que sea más difícil para el gobierno gastar dinero en protección ambiental en lugar de programas sociales inmediatos..

Dado que la financiarización es perjudicial para la mayor parte del país y nuestro medio ambiente., está claro que el cambio es necesario. Leopold abogó por este cambio animándonos a unir nuestros diferentes grupos y silos en un movimiento unificado.. Si pudiéramos hacer esto a nivel nacional, tendríamos suficiente poder popular para que el gobierno tuviera que escuchar nuestras demandas., que es algo que el movimiento ecologista ha carecido anteriormente. Hagamoslo! Construyamos coaliciones, educarnos unos a otros, unir, y exigir justicia hoy!

EL - entrada en el blog

Conozca sus derechos Capacitación!

Clean Air está organizando una capacitación para aquellos interesados ​​en aprender una comprensión básica de sus derechos legales durante las protestas., mítines, y otro tipo de acciones.

Únase a nosotros para:
  • Conozca los beneficios de utilizar diferentes acciones, como huelgas y piquetes, mover a un objetivo o a un tomador de decisiones sobre un tema
  • Aprender qué “acción directa no violenta’ es, y por qué se usa
  • Comparte tu experiencia con otros miembros de Clean Air

CUANDO: Miércoles, 18 de junio a las 5:30pm

DÓNDE: United Way de Buffalo y el condado de Erie, 724 Delaware Ave.. Búfalo, Nueva York (Estacionamiento gratuito detrás del edificio.)

Llame a nuestra oficina al 852-3813 si tienes alguna pregunta o necesitas transporte


Kathryn Cohen

Se anuncian nuevos oradores para la conferencia de transición justa!

Únete a Clean Air: Organizarnos por la salud y la justicia para una transición justa: Conferencia de buenos trabajos y comunidades de salud el 7 de junio! El día repleto contará con algunos de los principales expertos del país en la construcción de movimientos., finanzas del carbón, solo transición, energía renovable, y desarrollo comunitario sostenible y democrático. Los presentadores incluyen:

Les Leopold es el director del Instituto del Trabajo, consultor estratégico de la Blue-Green Alliance, y autor del autor de Cómo Make un millón de dólares la hora: Por qué las élites financieras se salen con la suya desviando la riqueza de Estados Unidos. Su taller 99 Economía porcentual: Lo que necesitamos saber sobre la economía para proteger nuestros trabajos, Salud y Medio Ambiente Discutirá las formas en que Wall Street ha revolucionado la economía y cómo impacta en el piso de producción., la comunidad y el medio natural.

Jean Pogge es el director ejecutivo del Instituto Delta que dirige el grupo de trabajo Fisk y Crawford Ruse, un comité que trabajará para solicitar la participación de la comunidad y el desarrollo económico y las alternativas de creación de empleo para la tierra en la que solía estar la planta de energía Fisk y Crawford.

Sean Sweeney es el director y fundador del Global Labor Institute, un programa de la Escuela de Relaciones Laborales e Industriales de Cornell y trabaja con Trade Unions for Energy Democracy. En 2007 Sweeney y el equipo del Global Labor Institute trabajaron con Steelworkers y otros sindicatos para organizar la Asamblea Laboral de América del Norte sobre la crisis climática, la primera gran conferencia sobre sindicatos y cambio climático. Sweeney y GLI tuando trabajó con AFL-CIO y Change to Win para construir U.S. presencia laboral en la charla climática de la ONUs en Bali para COP 13, y es miembro de la Confederación Sindical Internacional aire acondicionadocomió grupo de trabajo.

La participación es gratis, pero es necesario registrarse y el espacio es limitado. Regístrese hoy en La conferencia comienza a las 10, concluirá con una happy hour a las 5:30 y se alojará en las oficinas de NYSUT en 270 Ensayo en Amherst.

Tras la publicación del reciente informe del Instituto de Economía Energética y Análisis Financiero (IEEFA) que pintó un futuro oscuro para la planta de carbón de Huntley , Clean Air realizó una serie de asambleas comunitarias en la ciudad y pueblo de Tonawanda, Grand Island, y Riverside para visualizar una transición "justa" en caso de cierre de la planta. Casi 100 residentes impactados, trabajadores, y activistas del cambio climático se unieron para visualizar un futuro resiliente para nuestra región si la planta de carbón NRG Huntley se retirara. La conferencia se basará en las ideas y relaciones que se generaron en las asambleas..

Together, wPodemos garantizar que, si la planta se jubila, los trabajadores estén protegidos, nuevo los ingresos están asegurados para nuestras escuelas y gobiernos locales, y la propiedad se reconstruye para satisfacer las necesidades de nuestra comunidad. Preguntas? Llame a Clean Air al 716-852-3813.

Conferencia de Transición Justa 7 de junio!

Tras la publicación del reciente informe del Instituto de Economía Energética y Análisis Financiero (IEEFA) sobre el futuro de la planta de carbón Huntley en la ciudad de Tonawanda, Clean Air realizó una serie de asambleas comunitarias en la ciudad y pueblo de Tonawanda, Grand Island, y Riverside para visualizar una transición "justa" en caso de cierre de la planta.

Debemos asegurarnos de que SI la planta se retira, que los trabajadores de la planta y los residentes que viven cerca de la planta estén protegidos. Debemos asegurarnos de que se aseguren nuevos ingresos para nuestras escuelas y gobiernos locales., y para una limpieza de la propiedad frente al mar.

La idea de una transición “justa” fue promovida por primera vez por Tony Mazzocchi., el fundador del movimiento de seguridad y salud en el lugar de trabajo, y sugiere que cuando las plantas peligrosas para nuestra salud y el medio ambiente se retiren, Se deben invertir recursos para garantizar que los hombres y mujeres trabajadores y las comunidades locales no sólo puedan sobrevivir., pero prosperar. Y entonces, en estas Asambleas de Transición Justa a lo largo del mes de marzo, cerca de 100 residentes impactados, trabajadores, y activistas del cambio climático se reunieron visualizar un futuro resiliente para nuestra región si la planta de carbón NRG Huntley se retirara.

El 7 de junio , Reuniremos a líderes de comunidades de todo el país que enfrentan desafíos similares., Los líderes laborales, visionarios de la nueva economía, expertos en reurbanización de terrenos abandonados, y líderes comunitarios locales. La Conferencia, titulado Transiciones Justas: Buenos empleos y comunidades saludables se centrarán en las formas en que las comunidades, Los distritos escolares y los trabajadores han prosperado después de que se hayan producido transiciones similares en otros lugares..

No te lo pierdas! La inscripción es gratuita pero el espacio es limitado.. Consigue tu asiento hoy llamando a Rebecca al 852-3813 o registrarse en línea en

Próximamente se publicará un calendario completo..