Tonawanda Coke Confirms Waste Tunnel Collapse
In May, Tonawanda Coke Corporation confirmó nuestras acusaciones de que el túnel de calor residual en sus instalaciones se había derrumbado, posiblemente causando emisiones tóxicas a la comunidad circundante.
The waste heat tunnel is a concrete tunnel that runs underground the length of the battery, todas 60 hornos de fabricación de coque. The main purpose of the waste heat tunnel is to collect the waste combustible heat from the ovens. Now that the tunnel has collapsed, los gases normalmente no pueden fluir hacia las chimeneas de las instalaciones, and the company can’t draw enough fresh air into the manufacturing process. Without enough fresh air drawn into the process, the coking process will possibly create toxic releases into the ambient air, and into the surrounding community.
Puede ver la cobertura de prensa aquí desde Buffalo News, Canal WIVB 4,y WGRZ, Canal 2.
We call on the Environmental Protection Agency, la Oficina del Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos y el Departamento de Conservación Ambiental del Estado de Nueva York para realizar una investigación completa del incidente. Hacemos un llamado a las agencias estatales y federales para determinar la causa del colapso del túnel, risks posed to workers, and risks posed to the surrounding community.
If you live or work in the area and are noticing dark smoke or odors coming from the facility, submit a complaint to the New York Department of Conservation by calling 851-7000 or completing and mailing in este formulario de queja.
We will keep you posted as this situation progresses.
Final City of Budget Public Hearing!
This past January, hundreds of residents went to City Hall for City Budget Public Engagement day to tell the Common Council how Buffalo should spend its $500 million dollar City Budget.
Los residentes de Buffalo tendrán una audiencia pública final para responsabilizar al Consejo Común de las demandas de los residentes de la ciudad.. Common Council can approve, deny, or re-assign funds for the 2018 City Budget.
To hold Common Council accountable to your community needs, we need you to be at the final public hearing!
Thank You to This Year’s Annual Dinner Sponsors!
We are excited to announce Clean Air’s 9ª Annual Dinner Sponsorship Partners. We are grateful to have the support of so many incredible businesses and organizations. Together, we will ensure that Western New York continues to strive for healthy, just and equitable communities.
Eagle Hawk
Collins & Collins Attorneys, LLC
Communications Workers of America, AFL-CIO
Roswell Park Cancer Institute – Tobacco Free Erie Niagara
The Foundation for Jewish Philanthropies
David Feuerstein & Family
M&T Bank
Austin Air
Lipsitz & Ponterio, LLC – Attorneys at Law
Gallagher Printing, Inc.
Western New York Area Labor Federation, AFL-CIO
Dolce Panepinto Attorneys at Law
Heart of the City Neighborhoods Incorporated
Allen Street Consulting
Roswell Park Department of Diversity
Coalition for Economic Justice
Buffalo Central Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Hip Gypsy
Western New York Council for Occupational Safety and Health
Kenmore Teacher’s Association, NYSUT, AFL-CIO
Block Club
Congressman Brian Higgins
Make Communities
Buffalo Teachers Federation, Inc.
Citizen Action of New York
Hover Networks
Teamsters Local No.264
Communications Workers of America Local 1122 AFL-CIO
University at Buffalo Department of English
Communications Workers of America Local 1168, AFL-CIO
Clean Air Board of Directors
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Towne Auto
Civil Service Employees Association Western Region 6
PUSH Green
Comprehensive Rehabilitation Consultants, Inc.
Kenmore Garden Club
Delta Sonic
Lexington Co-operative Market
Try-It Distributing
Anderson’s Frozen Custard
Congratulations to our 2018 Golden Gas Mask Award Winners!
Mary Blue
Mary Blue resides in the Kensington neighborhood and has extensive ties to the Delavan Grider community. A friend introduced Ms. Blue to Clean Air in early 2017, and she has been a member of the American Axle Steering Committee ever since. Ms. Blue has been a valuable and tireless advocate for cleanup of American Axle, a site that has been leaking toxic PCBs and hazardous waste for over 20 años. Most of her family has lived near the site, including herself at one time, spurring her dedication to working with the community to find out what is going on with the site and demand action. As a member of the campaign, she has collected petition signatures, attended community meetings and steering committee meetings, made phone calls, y se reunió con tomadores de decisiones clave en el gobierno estatal. Ms. Blue is also a member of the Masten Block Club Coalition and the University District Block Club Coalition, where she has worked with teenagers, many of whom are grown up and still visit her. She is a graduate of the University at Buffalo’s Nursing School. Ms. Blue is a proud grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-great-grandmother. In her free time, she enjoys bowling and line dancing.
Maria Tisby
Maria Tisby is a resident of the Town of Tonawanda. She was introduced to Clean Air Coalition in 2013, and has been a member ever since. Maria is a leader on Clean Air’s Tonawanda Tomorrow and Huntley Just Transition Campaign Teams. Through the opportunity to be involved in this work, she has led community actions that supported Clean Air’s various campaigns. Maria views justice as a critical element of public health and safety issues. That’s why she’s dedicated to working with Clean Air as they successfully fight for health, justice, and equity across the Western New York region.
Maria believes that one of the most important things a person can do is utilize the skills they have to be an advocate for other people. She spends much of her time educating herself about contemporaneous social justice issues that affect her neighbors, whether it’s housing, public funds, or quality of life.
Maria holds a bachelor’s degree in nursing from D’Youville College. She is a Parish Council Member and Lector at Saint Stanislaus Church in Buffalo, Nueva York. She also serves as a Lector at Saint Amelia Church in Tonawanda. In her free time, Maria enjoys swimming as well as bicycling on the Tonawanda bike trails.
Dellla Miller
Della Miller has extensive hands on experience working with various community development projects such as, establishing food cooperatives, directing regional educational programs, and operating, consulting and managing commercial kitchens. After retiring, Ms. Della became involved in many exciting new avenues of work. She applied for and was accepted in 2014 & 2015 as a Champion of Change with One Region Forward and the UB School of Architecture and Planning. After attending their Citizen Planning School, she was inspired to find a way to share this beneficial information with others. En 2016, she was introduced to Participatory Budgeting (PB) and Clean Air Coalition, when she participated in the PB process as a community resident. The experience was so powerful, al año siguiente se unió al equipo de campaña de PB de Clean Air y se involucró en todos los aspectos del proceso de planificación de PB. Ms. Della is a dedicated and active member in PB and is committed to promoting and educating citizens. She believes PB is a positive way for community residents to improve the quality of their neighborhoods and city. Ms. Della volunteers with several projects: St. John United Credit Union and community entrepreneurship and food service operations. Ms. Della is a graduate of Empire State College.
Join us to celebrate these fierce leaders at our Annual Dinner on May 3rd! Consigue tus entradas aquí.
Reserva! 9th Cena Anual 3 de mayo!
Nominations Open for the 2018 Entrega anual!
Cada año nuestra organización reconoce el trabajo de nuestros miembros y partidarios a nuestra Cena Anual. Nuestro trabajo se basa en el principio de que nadie puede lograr cualquier cosa sola. Trabajamos con mucha gente en muchos barrios que merecen el reconocimiento. A quién debemos brillar la luz en este año? Hacer que su candidatura hoy!
Plan estratégico (Casi) Terminado!
Después de más de un año de discusiones., lecturas, y debatimos que finalmente nos estamos acercando a terminar nuestro Plan Estratégico de 5 años para presentarlo ante nuestra Junta Directiva. Nuestro borrador del plan fue creado a través de:
- numerosas discusiones y evaluaciones de nuestro comité de planificación estratégica,
- una encuesta de membresía para evaluar las fortalezas de la organización, bordes en crecimiento, y potencial 5 year goals,
- interviews with staff, miembros, current and past board members to learn what people have been thinking about the direction of the organization, current challenges and strengths of both our front line work and work behind the scenes,
- interviews with a number of local organizations who share some similar aims and desired outcomes,
- 2 strategic planning retreats with campaign leaders, staff and board members about how to answer some of the key questions that have surfaced, and how we can ensure that the organization is living up to its values,
- Hours of conversation between the staff and board executive committee to wordsmith and revise our draft planning document.
And now we are almost finished!
Before we get there, sin embargo, we’d like to open another opportunity for members to come together and offer some insight prior to finalizing our plan. We will be hosting a conference call on lunes, March 19th from 5:30-6:30pm to discuss how the direction of our strategic plan aligns with member’s vision of the organization and the work that needs to happen to achieve a world where our environment promotes health and equity and where systems place communities at the forefront of decision making.
To RSVP to this call, email with the subject “Strategic Plan RSVP” by March 16th to receive the call in information. If you RSVP and are a member in good-standing, you’ll be sent a CONFIDENTIAL draft of the Strategic Plan to review before the call so that you can join with thoughtful responses. You are also welcome to call to RSVP at 716-852-3813 (ask for Rebecca).
(The following readings may help shape thinking on how Clean Air can move forward in the long term)
Una breve historia de la justicia ambiental (video)
Demand Everything: Lessons of the Transformative Organizing Model
Transformative Organizing: Towards Liberation of Self and Society
Hacia la democracia energética – Taller 22 de febrero!
Desde el acceso a la energía y la energía solar comunitaria hasta los derechos de los trabajadores, personas en todo el mundo están recuperando el poder sobre el sector energético, reimaginar cómo se puede producir energía, distribuido y usado. Únase a nosotros para aprender de los líderes de todo el estado sobre los enfoques para hacer que nuestro sistema energético sea renovable, equitativo, responsable y local.
Estas dos horas, El taller interactivo cubrirá los conceptos básicos del sistema energético tradicional., quién se ha beneficiado de nuestro sistema y quién ha sido perjudicado, una introducción a la energía solar comunitaria y una descripción general sobre el terreno, ejemplos del mundo real de cómo las comunidades han cambiado los proyectos renovables para que sean más equitativos y democráticos.
Jueves, 22 de febrero de 18 a 20 h
El puesto de Brounshidle de la Legión Americana
3354 Delaware Ave.. in Kenmore
Se proporcionarán refrigerios ligeros..
Entrenadores incluyen:
Kelly Roache actualmente trabaja como Gerente Senior de Programas, Solsticio. Kelly tiene años de experiencia trabajando como organizadora y defensora de la justicia social y los derechos humanos en los EE. UU.. y en el extranjero. Anteriormente con el Departamento de Estado de EE. UU., ayudó a lograr una evacuación humanitaria en Siria, impulsó la relación bilateral entre Estados Unidos e India, y dirigió una revisión a nivel de embajador y una revisión de las metas y objetivos de EE. UU.. Embajada de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Kelly encabezó una campaña para despojar de la dotación de la Universidad de Princeton a corporaciones cómplices de violaciones de derechos humanos en el Medio Oriente., que ganó el apoyo mayoritario entre el cuerpo estudiantil. También se ha organizado por los derechos LGBTQ + en Nueva Jersey durante más de una década.. En el solsticio, Kelly aprovecha esta misma pasión por la equidad para expandir el acceso y la asequibilidad a la energía solar de la comunidad., en particular a las comunidades de bajos ingresos y de justicia ambiental. También forma parte del Comité Directivo y preside el Grupo de Trabajo de Política e Interseccionalidad y del NY Energy Democracy Alliance. Kelly es cofundadora de Simbiosis, una confederación de grupos de base que construyen una democracia directa, sociedad ecológica desde cero. También forma parte de la junta directiva de Solstice.. Kelly obtuvo su BA cum laude y un AMP, ambos de la Universidad de Princeton.
Reunión Anual de Aire Limpio Sábado, 3 de febrero
Que año ha estado en Clean Air! Nuestra organización ha tenido un tremendo impacto en nuestras comunidades y, más probable, justo en tu propio vecindario. Hemos obtenido un compromiso del DEC para comenzar a limpiar el antiguo sitio de American Axle en East Delavan, que ha estado filtrando PCB por más de 20 años. We engaged with 1,000 residents and workers to create Tonawanda Tomorrow, a comprehensive economic development plan to rebuild Tonawanda’s economy following the Huntley coal plant closure. And we facilitated a second round of participatory budgeting in Buffalo’s Niagara District. These are just a few among many highlights.
Ahora, it’s time to celebrate another year of exciting victories and developments at Clean Air. Sin la inversión y el trabajo de los miembros - y la creencia en el poder y la posibilidad de organizar nuestras comunidades - ninguno de nuestro trabajo en 2017 podría haber sido posible.
Join us at our Annual Meeting to celebrate these successes and prepare for another year of smart, la organización de base. Our membership and partners from across the region will come together to learn from each other, and share their successes and challenges from the past year. Nuestra reunión está abierta a cualquier persona que desee asistir, however only members are able to vote on this year’s incoming board of directors. If you wish to become a member, or renew your membership – do so online today o call our office at 716-852-3813.
The member meeting is scheduled for Saturday, 3 de febrero, 2018 from 11am to 1:30 p.m at the Buffalo Employment and Training Center, UB Gateway Room – 77 Goodell St. en búfalo. Light refreshments will be served. Childcare is available by request (Llame a Rebecca 716-862-3813 by January 22Dakota del Norte to request).
Todos los miembros de la junta sirven 3 términos del año. miembros de la junta cumplen las siguientes responsabilidades:
- Proporcionar orientación y asistencia en la implementación de las metas y objetivos estratégicos de la organización
- Para recaudar fondos y construir la capacidad de organización
- Para evaluar el Director Ejecutivo
- To participate actively on at least one board committee; events, personnel, finance or sustainability y asistir a eventos de organización y reuniones de los miembros como poder
Los candidatos nueva junta (los siguientes candidatos de mesa están para su primer período de tres años)
Andre Mayes Andre is a lifelong resident of the City of Buffalo. Andre was born on the east side, raised in Allentown and currently resides on the west side with his wife Sara. Andre is eager to learn more about grassroots organizing, recaudación de fondos, and how he can apply his skills and passion to build power in his community. An avid musician, he is the lead singer of the band Electric Salmon. He currently works as a Sheet Metal CAD Designer for JW Danforth and is a member of the Sheet Metal Workers Union Local 71.
nick caña Nick has been a member of Clean Air since 2015. Nick has played an active role working for a Just Transition in Tonawanda in the wake of the Huntley coal plant closure, and has supported members organizing in Seneca Babcock for the enforcement of Battaglia Recycling. An active member of the Labor movement for 11 años, Nick has a background in health, safety and chemistry and wants to bring his expertise to affect positive changes in the communities that both he and our membership live and work. Nick formally worked at Honeywell as a Research Technician and currently works as Occupational Safety and Health Specialist at the Civil Service Employees Union (CSEA). Nick is a resident of Grand Island where he lives with his wife and two children.
Volviendo candidatos a la Junta (los siguientes candidatos de mesa son para un segundo período de tres años)
Lindsday Amico Lindsay Amico grew up in the City of Tonawanda and now lives in Buffalo, Nueva York. She’s been involved with Clean Air since 2010, originally working on campaigns such as Tonawanda Coke and the Participatory Budgeting (PB) process for the Tonawanda Coke criminal fines in 2014. Lindsay has served as the Vice President of the board for the last two years and headed up our Buffalo Brunch Fundraiser this past fall. Lindsay graduated from Northeastern University with a dual degree in Environmental Studies and Political Science. She is passionate about environmental justice and social equity and strives to create change locally. She currently works as a Youth Coordinator at Tobacco-Free Erie Niagara at Roswell Park Cancer Institute where she organizes youth to fight big tobacco and prevents young people from starting to smoke. She’s also a life and wellness coach and loves to read and practice yoga.
Thomas Roulley Thomas Roulley has been on the Board of Directors at Clean Air for the past three years, served as board Treasurer for the past two, and is current chair of Sustainability Fund Committee. An active member of Communication Workers of America (CWA), he serves as the Political and Legislative Committee Chairman for Local 1122 and the Treasurer and Political and Legislative Committee Chairman for the Western New York CWA Council where he coordinates CWA’s Western New York endorsements and the E.J. Mays Scholarship Fund. Tom also acts as Treasurer and Niagara County area Chair for the Western New York chapter of the Working Families Party, which fights for progressive legislation and policies across New York State. He is on the board of the George J. Woloszyn Jr. Memorial Scholarship. Tom was born and raised in Niagara Falls and now lives in Lewiston.
Catherine Zweig Cathy has been a supporter of Clean Air since 2013, and a board member for the past three years. Cathy grew up in a family with autoimmune disorders and asthma and has been concerned about the impact of pollution on human health and the environment for a long time. Cathy currently works as a social worker providing therapy to people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and other anxiety problems at the Erie County Medical Center’s outpatient behavioral health program on Main Street in Buffalo. She has a Masters of Arts in psychology and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LSCW-R). Experienced in board governance, she is a former board member of the Prochoice Network, Mercy Hall, Pick of the Crop Dance, and the Aurora Waldorf School. Cathy is the mom of three children and is honored to be a part of Clean Air.
City of Buffalo Proposal Day!
$25Familiares 25 Dias!!!
Eso es todo! Hoy lanzamos nuestros $ 25K en 25 Campaña Días!
El año pasado, Los miembros de Clean Air se unieron constantemente a través de líneas de diferencia para organizar nuestras comunidades y asegurarse de que estamos construyendo un mundo que todas quiero vivir en. Nuestras campañas han tenido que afrontar políticas cambiantes, la amenaza de desmantelamiento de la EPA y otras agencias en las que confiamos para hacer cumplir las leyes, y mucho más. Y todavía, Seguimos obteniendo importantes victorias en materia de justicia ambiental y salud pública para nuestros vecindarios..
Dado este momento político, aquí hay algunas cosas de las que todos podemos estar orgullosos este año:
- Nuestro equipo de miembros de la comunidad Delavan Grider se reunió incansablemente con el Departamento de Conservación Ambiental del Estado de Nueva York, capturó la atención de los medios, y ganó un compromiso con iniciar la limpieza del antiguo sitio de American Axle en East Delavan, a site that has been leaking toxic PCBs and hazardous waste for over 20 años. La limpieza está programada para comenzar en enero.
- En Tonawanda, 1,000 residentes y trabajadores se unieron para crear Tonawanda mañana, un plan integral de desarrollo económico para reconstruir la economía de Tonawanda tras el cierre de la planta de carbón de Huntley. El plan establece una visión y pasos de acción para reconstruir y apuntalar la brecha de ingresos que dejó el retiro de la planta.. Nuestro trabajo sobre una transición energética justa fue presentado a nivel nacional por Molienda, Mother Jones y Bill Moyers – levantando las historias de nuestros miembros y socios en el trabajo organizado.
- A pesar de que el Presupuesto Participativo no se incluyó en la 2017 presupuesto, nuestro comité directivo de PP adaptó y facilitó un segunda ronda de Presupuesto Participativo en el Distrito de Niágara de la ciudad. Este esfuerzo financió proyectos como actualizaciones tecnológicas y quitanieves para centros comunitarios.. Mas que 250 residentes participaron en este proceso. Desarrollando proyectos, reunirse con tomadores de decisiones, diseñar materiales de divulgación, hablando con la prensa, ejecutar sitios de votación, y votando, Decidieron directamente dónde se gasta una parte de los dólares de sus impuestos en sus vecindarios..
2017 fue un año histórico para nuestra comunidad y para nuestro país. Sin duda, quedará registrado como uno de los años más desafiantes de la historia reciente: el cambio de administración federal ha afectado a todos los vecindarios de diferentes maneras.. Estamos en un punto crítico. El clima político actual nos deja librando muchas batallas y enfrentando amenazas continuas que impactan directamente en nuestra capacidad para cuidar de nosotros mismos., nuestras familias, y nuestras comunidades. Clean Air cree que tenemos que seguir invirtiendo en comunidades controladas, Instituciones democráticas que fortalecen la capacidad de nuestro pueblo para el autogobierno.. Estamos dedicados a hacer esto llamando a las puertas de personas que no conocemos., reunirse uno a uno con extraños, y unir a la gente de la clase trabajadora para compartir problemas, Encontrar soluciones, y tomar medidas para exigir un cambio!
Ayúdanos a alcanzar esa meta de 25K, y da tan generosamente como puedas hoy!
Y si cree que necesitamos instituciones y una comunidad construida para durar y lista para responder a través de cambios y cambios políticos. – hacer un compromiso mensual sostenido!
Gracias por tu vision, tu ilusión y tu generosidad!
El equipo de aire limpio
Rebecca, Natasha & Brian