Media Coverage

Our work makes the news – here is some of the media coverage we have received this year.

Buffalo News – In Niagara Falls, Goodyear’s neighbors anxiously await more pollution controls, featuring interviews with residents who live across from Goodyear’s Niagara Falls facility and a quote from Clean Air organizer Bridge Rauch speaking to the air permit issues context.

Buffalo News – New York Power Authority needs more ambitious buildout of renewable energy, advocates say, featuring statements made to NYPA during the hearing from Clean Air members

WGRZ – Battaglia Demolition owner questioned about lack of cleanup at former concrete crushing site, featuring an interview with Diane Lemanski, one of our member leaders of our Seneca-Babcock team, as well as our Executive Director Chris Murawski.

WKBW – ‘We live with the wrath of him every day’: Battaglia Demolition owner ordered to serve 6 months in jail, featuring a more in-depth interview Diane.

WKBW – ‘No more noise’: North Tonawanda homeowners rally against Digihost Plant outside city hall, featuring interviews with several of our North Tonawanda member leaders, such as Deborah Gondek.

Buffalo News – Most state permits for Western New York’s biggest air polluters expired years ago, featuring quotes from Bridge Rauch, one of our staff organizers and based in part on Clean Air’s research.

Buffalo News – Tonawanda updates 1940s zoning code to guide future growth, featuring quotes from several of our Tonawanda member leaders, such as James Jones and Melissa Hubbard.

Buffalo News – Another Voice: Expired Air Permits must be addressed by NYS DEC by Tonawanda member leader Melissa Hubbard