Calling all volunteers!
The Clean Air Coalition is growing every day in influence and numbers. We need your help to spread the word about the good work we’re doing!
We’ve signed up to participate in a number of community fairs. Can you help us by spending a few hours at the booth talking to people about our community’s challenges and victories? We need help:
April 10th from 10:00 – 2:00 PM
April 17th from 11 – 6:00 PM
May 31st at the Ken-Ton Memorial Day Parade
The first week of July at Kenmore Days.
We ask that our volunteers commit to two-hour chunks of time. If you can help, please fill out our volunteer form. Be sure to include the dates and times you are available to help.
Volunteering with the Clean Air Coalition is an easy way to help us grow. The more people we engage, the more powerful we become. Please sign up today!
I could probably do Kenmore Days.