Octubre Noviembre 2024 Actualizaciones mensuales – Fright for your rightsNYPA Hearing November 7!

Haga clic aquí para suscribirse a nuestro boletín electrónico mensual, y vea la edición de este mes haciendo clic en el enlace "Leer más" a continuación.

Octubre – De noviembre 2022 Actualizaciones de Aire Limpio

Let’s give ’em pumpkin to talk about

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We’ve had enough of Zombie Brownfields!
Join us on November 7 in Lewiston to urge more renewable energy projects on spooky vacant industrial sitessign up today to help us with headcounts and to coordinate carghouls, and invite a fellow fiend.

With Dread and Decomposes,

Puente, cris, cindy, y gia

We want renewable energy, not cryptomining, en Coca-Cola Tonawanda!

With the clean up at Tonawanda Coke progressing, we need to increase our focus on fighting for regenerative reuses for the site moving forward.

Con eso en mente, the New York Power Authority is kicking off a series of public hearings November 7 on the draft statewide plan to build renewable energy projects.

We are encouraging our members to carpool with us up to Lewiston for the 6pm hearing to urge NYPA to pursue a bolder plan, and especially to utilize area industrial brownfields, like Tonawanda Coke, for renewable energy projects.

no puedo hacerlo?
Stay tuned, we will be launching a digital comment form next week.
Mientras tanto, feel free to email NYPA directly at

Recruiting for Board and Committees

Clean Air is recruiting for two board members this fall in the lead up to our Annual Meeting in February.

We are specifically seeking members with skills in the following areas:

– Environmental Justice

Fenceline residents and industrial workers

Financial expertise

Environmental planning, technical or policy experience

– Creativos de todos los campos del arte y la música.

If you are interested in learning more, por favor contacta a Chris.

All board members must be Clean Air membersto join or renew your membership. por favor haga clic aquí.

We are also still seeking members to join our Events and Membership Committeesplease reach out to Gia para más información.

De noviembre 20 Mixer

Por favor join us on November 20 en 5:30 at The Beer Keep (1002 Elmwood Ave in Buffalo) for a happy hour mixer for members, partidarios, and our community to mix, mingle, celebrate our work, and continue to grow our base!

While we will not have a formal program, our team leaders will be on hand to share information about current campaign progress.

We will also have several activities, incluyendo el draft version of the card game we are developing as part of the Community Air Monitoring project, and some activities for you to add your contributions!

Click here for the ActionNetwork event, y contact Gia con cualquier pregunta.

Greenidge Oral Arguements

Our peers fighting cryptocurrency in Seneca Lake at the Greenidge power facility will be in court tomorrow 10/29 in Yates County. One of our members has generously offered to drive a carpool from Buffalopor favor contacta con Bridge to connect with them!

Join our Cranksgiving Team November 2!

Clean Air is participating in Cranksgiving este año, and we still have space for one other person on our team!
If you’re interested in joining the team, please contact Chris, and feel free to swing by the Essex Street Arts Center at 30 Essex Street in Buffalo on Saturday morning to cheer everyone on!


Mass Call October 28

Want to learn about NY Renewscampaign plan for the upcoming legislative session?
Hop on theirThe Next Chapter: Our Fight For Climate Justice in 2025mass call TONIGHT at 6pm!
Pulse aquí para registrarse.


Thank you to everyone who attended the DEC’s Community Air Monitoring meeting a couple weeks agothe Buffalo meeting had the largest turnout in the entire state!

Please be sure to fill out the DEC’s air study survey.

STAMP Updates and Indigenous Solidarity

Early voting has started

Election Day November 5

Early voting has started! Here is the list of Erie County early voting locations, y here is the one for Niagara County. For Erie County residents, you can preview your ballot ahead of voting by clicking here.

There are a lot of local and state elections on the ballot this year in addition to the higher profile national onesclick here to see the list of offices on the ballot for Erie County, y here to see the list for Niagara County.

Also on the ballot is NYS Proposition One, also known as the Equal Rights Amendment. Clean Air urges voting yes on this amendment.

This ballot measure would amend the NYS constitution to explicitly protect NY residents against discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability creed, or religion, or sex, including sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy. These protections are currently law, but not in the constitution, so could be repealed under a hostile administration.

Please note if you are in Erie County, NYS Prop 1 is located at the bottom of the front page of your ballot, not on the back.

Current Regulatory Public Comment Periods

EPA and DEC News

The DEC has kicked off it’s annual Arbor Day poster contestclick here to make a submission before December 31!

EPA Region 2 is holding a webinar tomorrow October 29 to celebrate Children’s Health Monthpulse aquí para registrarse!

Calendario de próximos eventos

Eventos CACWNY

Upcoming Training Opportunities, Conferences and New Resources

¿Es usted miembro o partidario de Clean Air y participa en una campaña actual?, ¿Existe alguna oportunidad de capacitación que le gustaría aprovechar para fortalecer su capacidad organizativa?? Por favor, infórmaselo a un organizador del personal., mientras elaboramos presupuestos para apoyar el desarrollo del liderazgo! Todos los miembros y simpatizantes de Clean Air también tienen acceso gratuito a capacitaciones del Advocacy Institute.

Eventos comunitarios y de coalición

Plazos para comentarios públicos y audiencias

Acciones Digitales

Consulte también nuestra lista de eventos actualizada periódicamente en bit.ly/CleanAirEvents y linktr.ee/cleanairwny

Reportar un contaminador

Vea humo oscuro o polvo que se eleva desde un sitio industrial., o oler algo asqueroso?

Visitar dec.ny.gov/regulations/67751.html para presentar un informe, o, para una respuesta rápida, llamar 1-844-DEC-ECOS (1-844-332-3267) o la línea directa de derrames/olores del DEC en 1-800-457-7362.

Si desea que CACWNY lo apoye, envíanos una copia de tu informe!

Ayuda mutua

¿Necesitas una mascarilla N95?? Tenemos un suministro limitado disponible en la oficina para nuestros miembros. – envíanos un correo electrónico rápido y te enviaremos algunos! Fomentamos el uso de máscaras en nuestros eventos presenciales., particularmente durante las temporadas de máxima transmisión de COVID. Asegúrese de revisar el Grupo de Facebook de Buffalo Mutual Aid Network, donde se publican de forma continua servicios de ayuda mutua y convocatorias de donaciones y donaciones.

También puedes hacer clic aquí para unirte a la Buffalo Snow Brigade. También sugerimos consultar los recursos en mutualaiddisasterrelief.org así como su nuevo sitio web aliviotoolkit.com. Si está interesado en unirse a esfuerzos de ayuda mutua con Clean Air, particularmente en el ámbito de la resiliencia comunitaria en medio del cambio climático,
por favor contacta con Puente sobre entrenamientos o para cris o Familia sobre nuestros eventos y comité de membresía.

Interesado en unirse a nuestro comité de eventos, equipo de ayuda mutua, o desea conectarse con CACWNY sobre una campaña o tema emergente, o interesado en Interesado en unirse a nuestro Peabody Street, amorjoy, TESLA, Alianza para la democracia energética, u otro trabajo de campaña de Transición Justa?

Interesado en unirse a nuestro
Campaña American Axle o apoyando nuestro trabajo en el vecindario Delavan-Grider y el gran East Side?

Interested in joining our Tonawanda campaigns, supporting our climate justice work with NYRenews, or have a submission for this monthly newsletter?

Interesado en apoyar los esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos de base de Clean Air, o conoce una oportunidad de subvención que podría apoyar nuestro trabajo?

Quieres donar para apoyar nuestro trabajo?


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