Junio ​​Julio 2024 Actualizaciones mensuales – Orientación para nuevos miembros esta noche y reunión de DEC Tonawanda Coke mañana!

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Octubre – De noviembre 2022 Actualizaciones de Aire Limpio

New Member Orientation Tonight June 24

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Interested in getting more engaged with Clean Air’s work?
Whether you are brand new to our work or a veteran member, we hope you can join us tonight, Monday June 24 en 5:30pm at our offices at Trinity Church, 371 Delaware in downtown Buffalo, for our New Member Orientation!
Please be sure to register so we order enough pizza!

Also be sure to save the date of July 24 para nuestra próxima Junta General.

Con pan y rosas,

Puente, cris, cindy, y gia

Sia and Clover

Our Spring Intern Clover Kagle wrapped up a few weeks agoclick here to read a blog post they wrote about noise pollution based on citizen science work conducted by our Seneca-Babcock members!

Also please be sure to welcome our Cornell High Road Fellow Sia Gushe is helping us out with several research projects this summer!

Voluntariado de Verano con Aire Limpio

It’s canvassing and festival tabling seasonhaga clic aquí para inscribirse como voluntario en Clean Air este año!

Acciones Digitales para Campañas

Nuestros encuestadores recogerán firmas para varias peticiones este verano. – tómate un momento para firmar estos dos digitalmente!

Petición uno

Petición dos

New Member Orientation TONIGHT

NYS DEC Tonawanda Coke Meeting TOMORROW

Join us tomorrow, Tuesday June 25 at 6pm, either online or in person at the Kenmore Branch Library (160 Delaware Rd) for an important update meeting from the New York Department of Environmental Conservation on the ongoing clean up at Tonawanda Coke!


Click here to see the full announcement.

Want to join our River Road Watchdog team? Please reach out to Bridge!

North Tonawanda and Bitcoin Mining Updates

Our North Tonawanda members have been very busy this month advocating for the NT Common Council and NYS DEC to take action on regulating the cryptocurrency mining at the Fortistar Power Plant. Check out the press coverage by the Buffalo News, y click here to read our blog post on the press conference held last week!

The din of crypto mining: North Tonawanda says it can’t enforce noise law to protect residents

North Tonawanda residents ask state to step in to regulate noise from cryptomining company

El consejo editorial: Noise and air pollution at Digihost has been ignored too long

Reunión general – Julio 24

Join us at Trinity Church (371 Delaware Ave.) or on Zoom on Wednesday July 24 desde 5:30-7pm for our next General Meeting. This meeting is open to everyone and anyone, and is to fill in the general public on our current work as well as feature some related education.
Pulse aquí para registrarse.
This month we plan to feature our friend Dick Lipsitz who will share information on his years of work building coalitions across community and labor to combat rising fascism.

Dar 7/16

Clean Air is participating in this year’s Give 716 fundraising drive on July 16 – click her to support!

June Actions and Limited Office Hours in July

Please be aware that after a very busy June, several staff members will be rotating vacation time in Julywe appreciate your patience!

Below are some photos from several events this past month Clean Air staff and members attended, including the High Road Economics conference which featured Clean Air members among the speakers!

Be sure to follow our social media and check our blog to see the recordings of those sessions, as we will post them there when available.

NYS DEC East Side Environmental Forum July 10

El Departamento de Conservación Ambiental de Nueva York organizará un Foro Ambiental del East Side el miércoles 10 de julio en 5:30 unen el Frank E. Merriweather, jr.. Biblioteca en 1324 Avenida Jefferson.

Por favor contacte a Kayla Baker para más información., incluyendo cómo unirse en línea, en kayla.baker@dec.ny.gov o 716-541-9631.
Preguntas, o desea coordinar con Clean Air antes?
Por favor contacta a cindy.

NYS Legislative Session Wrap y

Important Upcoming Supreme Court Case

While we are happy to report that the Climate Superfund Act passed and now awaits Governor Hochul’s signature, the legislative session in Albany ended earlier this month with a disappointing lack of action on other environmental and climate justice legislation, particularly in the Assembly, and with an overall worrying lack of urgency in confronting the climate emergency. Click here to read NY Renews’ declaración.

NY Renews is not pausing work during the summer, and is pushing for special sessions to revisit the bills that the Assembly failed to bring to the floor.

NY Renews is also calling on Governor Hochul and legislators to implement the Cap and Trade program that passed last year in a just and equitable mannerclick here to send a letter to the Governor now.

We also wanted to flag that two very important Supreme Court Cases that concern the future of the Chevron Deference Doctrine will likely be decided on this week.

This Doctrine, which as been part of judicial reasoning since 1984, essentially means that in instances of deciding about how to implement regulatory processes that the legislative branch passes bills to require, the courts and the legislative branches defer to agencies and their technical staff – en breve, the courts recognize that a judge whose specialty is in the law is unlikely to also be an expert in air permitting, so they defer to agencies like the EPA. Read more from ScotusBlog here.

June Labor Wins

Our friends in the WNY labor community are celebrating several big wins! After striking, workers at Tops Warehouse won their contract fight, and workers with SEIU won contract fights at local health care centers y nursing homes.
We also marched with newly unionized workers at the Pride Center of Western New York in the Pride Paradeplease take a moment to sign their community solidarity pledge!

Noticias principales

As the Buffalo News reported, lead in drinking water from older deteriorating service lines, while a huge issue in the City of Buffalo, is also an immense issue all throughout Erie and Niagara counties.
Click here to read their reporting.

Períodos regulatorios de comentarios públicos

Orar por los muertos, Lucha por los vivos!

Fallecimientos y memoriales recientes

We are mourning the passing of Gail Wells, a pillar of our community and a leader in the fight for justice and equity for over a half century. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family and loved ones, and we pledge to continue to forge forward on the path she laid.

Oportunidades de capacitación y liderazgo

¿Es usted miembro o partidario de Clean Air y participa en una campaña actual?, ¿Existe alguna oportunidad de capacitación que le gustaría aprovechar para fortalecer su capacidad organizativa??
Por favor, infórmaselo a un organizador del personal., mientras elaboramos presupuestos para apoyar el desarrollo del liderazgo! Todos los miembros y simpatizantes de Clean Air también tienen acceso gratuito a capacitaciones del Advocacy Institute.

Eventos y anuncios comunitarios

Oportunidades adicionales

Calendario de próximos eventos

Eventos CACWNY

Eventos comunitarios y de coalición

Plazos para comentarios públicos y audiencias

Consulte también nuestra lista de eventos actualizada periódicamente en bit.ly/CleanAirEvents y linktr.ee/cleanairwny

Reportar un contaminador

Vea humo oscuro o polvo que se eleva desde un sitio industrial., o oler algo asqueroso?

Visitar dec.ny.gov/regulations/67751.html para presentar un informe, o, para una respuesta rápida, llamar 1-844-DEC-ECOS (1-844-332-3267) o la línea directa de derrames/olores del DEC en 1-800-457-7362.

Si desea que CACWNY lo apoye, envíanos una copia de tu informe!

Ayuda mutua

¿Necesitas una mascarilla N95?? Tenemos un suministro limitado disponible en la oficina para nuestros miembros. – envíanos un correo electrónico rápido y te enviaremos algunos! Fomentamos el uso de máscaras en nuestros eventos presenciales., particularmente durante las temporadas de máxima transmisión de COVID. Asegúrese de revisar el Grupo de Facebook de Buffalo Mutual Aid Network, donde se publican de forma continua servicios de ayuda mutua y convocatorias de donaciones y donaciones.

También puedes hacer clic aquí para unirte a la Buffalo Snow Brigade. También sugerimos consultar los recursos en mutualaiddisasterrelief.org así como su nuevo sitio web aliviotoolkit.com. Si está interesado en unirse a esfuerzos de ayuda mutua con Clean Air, particularmente en el ámbito de la resiliencia comunitaria en medio del cambio climático,
por favor contacta con Puente sobre entrenamientos o para cris o Familia sobre nuestros eventos y comité de membresía.

Recomendaciones mensuales del personal

Chris recommends the new Star Wars show Acolyte, Cindy is still buzzed about seeing Earth Wind and Fire earlier this month (and welcoming a new grandbaby to the family!), Gia is looking forward to seeing flipturn at Artpark, Sia is loving getting to know the region and really enjoyed seeing Shakespeare in the Park, and Bridge is looking forward to a big family trip to Ireland!

Interesado en unirse a nuestro comité de eventos, equipo de ayuda mutua, o desea conectarse con CACWNY sobre una campaña o tema emergente, o interesado en Interesado en unirse a nuestro Peabody Street, amorjoy, TESLA, Alianza para la democracia energética, u otro trabajo de campaña de Transición Justa?

Interesado en unirse a nuestro
Campaña American Axle o apoyando nuestro trabajo en el vecindario Delavan-Grider y el gran East Side?

Interesado en unirse a nuestras campañas Tonawanda Tomorrow o River Road, Campaña de Criptominería NT, o apoyando a NYRenews/justicia climática?

Interesado en apoyar los esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos de base de Clean Air, o conoce una oportunidad de subvención que podría apoyar nuestro trabajo?

Quieres donar para apoyar nuestro trabajo?


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