May/June 2024 Monthly Updates – Join us at Buffalo Pride and Juneteenth!

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October – November 2022 Updates from Clean Air

Join us this Sunday at Buffalo Pride and June 15-16 at Buffalo Juneteenth!

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We will be participating in Buffalo’s Pride and Juneteenth festivities, and we would love to see YOU there!

For Pride, we are participating in a coalition bloc of community organizing groups, and we’re looking for folks to help with –

  • Preparing materials tomorrow and Friday (May 30-31) from 3-5pm at our office at 371 Delaware Ave
  • Joining us either to walk in the Buffalo Pride parade on Sunday or to watch it with us and call out corporate bad actors and birddog elected officials
  • Tabling with us after the parade at the Canalside Festival

Please register using this link to help us plan.
Scroll down to read the statement the organizations participating in this bloc are supporting this year!

For Juneteenth, we will be tabling on Saturday June 15th and Sunday June 16th at the festival in MLK Park in Buffalo, and are looking for a few members to join us for a shift or two.

Please use this link to sign up to volunteer for Juneteenth – you can also sign up to canvass or table with us at other events later this summer using this link.

With Bread and Roses,

Bridge, Chris, Cindy, and Gia

Wildfire Smoke and Summer AQ

The Climate Emergency is here, and just as winter means we are at risk of blizzards, summer now means we are at risk as a region of extreme poor air quality due to climate change exacerbated wildfire smoke.

Check out resources you can review to prepare for such events this summer on our blog.

Noise Pollution in Seneca- Babcock

Our spring intern Clover Kagle wrote a blog post based on the citizen science work of one of our Seneca-Babcock members conducting a noise study – click here to read the post.

15th Anniversary Dinner a Success!

Thank you everyone who came to our 15th Anniversary Annual Dinner last week!

It was wonderful to see so many of our members and supporters in one space break bread and build community.

Thanks to each and every one of you, we met and exceeded our fundraising goal – THANK YOU!

Clean Air Membership Survey

Please take a moment to fill out our Membership Survey – as a grassroots organization we are continuously looking to increase our membership and supporter base, and we want to make sure we are doing everything we can to grow our community.
Any feedback, suggestions, and questions you include in this survey, will be incredibly helpful for us!
Click here for the survey.

Summer Volunteering with Clean Air

It’s finally warming up, and that means it’s canvassing and festival tabling season – click here to sign up to volunteer with Clean Air this year!

Digital Actions for Campaigns

Our canvassers will be collecting signatures for several petitions this summer – take a moment to sign these two digitally!

Petition One

Petition Two

Emergency Prep and Mutual Aid Trainings

We are co-hosting TWO Emergency Prep and Mutual Aid trainings this month.

The first is a drop in Narcan and Harm Reduction training during the Allentown Art Festival on Saturday June 8 between 1-2:30pm, which we are co-hosting with our friends down the hall at Creative Restorations.

The second is a Stop the Bleed training on June 11 with our friends at Erie County Department of Health – please register by clicking here.

Tonawanda Tomorrow in  the Buffalo News

Witness to Injustice: Unraveling Historic Native & U.S. Relations

Please join our friends at Nekanęhsakt: Friends of Ękwehęwę this Saturday June 1 at Trinity Church, 371 Delaware Ave, for their event Witness to Injustice: Unraveling Historic Native & U.S. Relations. There is a sliding scale of $0-$30 to support our indigenous facilitators.
Please reach out to Buffalo Nekanehsakt at or 716-361-3578 to RSVP or for more info. Click here for more details!

Statewide Coalitions

NYS Legislative Session Ends June 6

The legislative session in Albany is scheduled to wrap June 6 – please send a quick email to your legislators to help get some crucial environmental and climate justice legislation over the finish line with these one-click digital actions!

Partnership for the Public Good

Uniting on the High Road Conference

Clean Air will be participating in the Partnership for the Public Good’s Uniting on the High Road conference June 20-22. If you are a Clean Air member and would like to attend but the registration cost is a barrier, please reach out to Bridge.

2024 Buffalo Pride Justice Bloc Statement

Clean Air is participating in the Justice Bloc at Buffalo Pride, which is an unofficial affiliation of organizations that pools resources for the festivities and centers a statement every year.

So far this year the bloc includes us,  1199 SEIU, Buffalo DSA, Buffalo-Niagara LGBTQ History Project, Burning Books Buffalo, Slow Roll Buffalo, SURJ Buffalo, and Workers United. The following is the 2024 statement.

By participating in this bloc, our organizations pledge to be in solidarity with LGBTQI2S+ people, including our employees and those our organizations directly serve.

We pledge to do so in our daily practices, (such as by encouraging the use of pronoun identification in meetings and email signatures), structurally (such as by rejecting funds from individuals or entities that oppose LGBTQIA2S+ civil and human rights), and through our actions (such as by being in solidarity with the LGBTQIAS2+ community during demonstrations for their, and our, civil and human rights.)

Because unions strengthen protection and support for LGBTQIA2S+ workers, we emphatically support efforts by workers to unionize their workplaces. This includes the union drive at the Pride Center – we participate in Buffalo’s 2024 Pride events in solidarity with these workers and pledge to support any community calls for action they announce.

We oppose the watering down of the political action of Pride – in particular, we oppose continuing to allow corporations and organizations which profit from and are directly inflicting harm upon our communities and of other oppressed people, including any military and police industrial complex corporations which are arming the oppression of the people of Palestine, here in Western New York, and around the world.

We are appalled by the attacks on the civil and human rights of LGBTQIA2S+ folk across the nation, in particular the attacks on our vulnerable queer and trans youth, fascist violence against drag performances, disgusting smears against LGBTQIA2S+ families and those in youth work, the attempts to police our bodily autonomy, including restrictions on health care for trans people and pregnant people, and the ongoing violence against the QTPOC community, particularly Black and Indigenous trans women.

We are alarmed by the proposals in Project 2025 and we pledge to fight back against fascism, white supremacy, and authoritarianism locally, nationally, and internationally.

We also fully support and endorse the Transgender Law Center’s Trans Agenda for Liberation. The Trans Agenda centers the lives and voices of trans people of color, who have too often had to advance our collective liberation from the margins. Trans justice is migrant justice, disability justice, racial justice, environmental justice, reproductive justice, economic justice, and gender justice.

An agenda for trans liberation is a blueprint for liberation for all.

Hands off our bodies, protect trans kids.
Oppose Christofascist white supremacist extractive capitalism and fight for our home.

NYS DEC East Side Environmental Forum
Save the Date! July 10

The New York Department of Environmental Conservation will be hosting an East Side Environmental Forum on Wednesday July 10th at 5:30 at the Frank E. Merriweather, Jr. Library at 1324 Jefferson Avenue.

Please contact Kayla Baker for more information, including about how to join online, at or 716-541-9631.
Questions, or want to coordinate with Clean Air prior?
Please reach out to Cindy.

Lead News

Erie County DOH and the Tool Library announced this month that they are joining forces to launch a new Lead Safe Tool Borrowing Program to support folks remediating their homes.


NYS DEC has posted the 2024 Air Monitoring Network Plan. No major changes are proposed, but it’s noteworthy that a second API T640 PM2.5 sampler is proposed for one of the Buffalo monitoring sites.

Regulatory Public Comment Periods

More News of Note

Environmental Justice, Climate Justice, and the Just Transition

Digital Actions

New Resources and Other Notable Topics

Training and Leadership Opportunities

Are you a Clean Air member or supporter who is engaged with a current campaign, and is there a training opportunity that you would like to pursue to strengthen your organizing?
Please let a staff organizer know, as we budget to support leadership development! All Clean Air members and supporters also have free access to trainings from the Advocacy Institute.

Community Events and Announcements

Additional Opportunities

Report a Polluter

See dark smoke or dust rising from an industrial site, or smell something foul?

Visit to file a report, or, for rapid response, call 1-844-DEC-ECOS (1-844-332-3267) or the DEC Spill Hotline/Odor Hotline at 1-800-457-7362.

If you’d like CACWNY to support you, send us a copy of your report!

Upcoming Events Calendar


Community and Coalition Events

Public Comment Deadlines and Hearings

Also see our regularly updated list of events at and

Mutual Aid

Do you need a N95 mask? We have a limited supply available at the office for our members – send us a quick email and we’ll send a few your way! We encourage wearing masks at our in-person events, particularly during seasons of peak COVID transmission. Be sure to check out the Buffalo Mutual Aid Network Facebook group, where mutual aid services and calls for donations and donations are being posted on an ongoing basis.

You can also click here to join the Buffalo Snow Brigade. We also suggest checking out the resources at as well as their new website relieftoolkit.comIf interested in joining mutual aid efforts with Clean Air, particularly in the realm of community resiliency amid climate change,
please reach out to Bridge about trainings or to Chris or Gia about our events and membership committee.

Interested in joining our events committee, mutual aid team, or want to connect with CACWNY about an emerging campaign or issue, or interested in Interested in joining our Peabody Street, Lovejoy, TESLA, Energy Democracy Alliance, or other Just Transition campaign work?

Interested in joining our
American Axle campaign or supporting our work in the Delavan-Grider neighborhood and greater East Side?

Interested in joining our Tonawanda Tomorrow or River Road campaigns, NT Cryptomining campaign, or supporting NYRenews/climate justice?

Interested in supporting Clean Air’s grassroots fundraising efforts, or know of a grant opportunity that might support our work?

Want to donate to support our work?


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