Noviembre-Diciembre 2023 Actualizaciones mensuales de eBlast – Únase a nosotros esta noche para recibir actualizaciones sobre Tonawanda Coke!

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Octubre – De noviembre 2022 Actualizaciones de Aire Limpio

River Road Corridor Meeting

TONIGHT November 27

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Join us tonight, De noviembre 27, entre 5:30-8:30pm at the Brounshidle American Legion Post 205/VFW Post 2472 en 3354 Delaware Ave in Tonawanda or online to learn about our ongoing work in the Tonawanda-River Road Corridor.

Among other topics covered, we will review the Preliminary Draft Alternatives Analysis for a large portion of the former Tonawanda Coke site.

Doors will be at 5:30, our presentation (also available online) will be from 6-7pm, and our workshop portion will be from 7-8:30pm. Please register to help us order enough food and better plan!

Con pan y rosas,

Puente, cris, cindy, Gia and Phil

Office Closed December 22 – Enero 2

Our office will be closed from December 22 – Enero 2.

Individual staff may or may not be responsive to email during the holiday break.

Happy holidays!

Clean Air’s Annual Grassroots Fundraising Training

Join us next Monday December 4 for our annual Grassroots Fundraising Training! Whether you plan to run a fundraiser to support our End of Year Appeal which launches tomorrow or for other upcoming fundraising work, we invite you to join us either in-person or online. Regístrese haciendo clic aquí.

2024 Emergency Prep Series Survey

We are preparing our 2024 course on Emergency Preparedness and Mutual Aid Organizingclick here to help us choose our 2024 class offering!

Foro ambiental del lado este del DEC del Estado de Nueva York

We hope you can join us at NYS DEC’s next East Side Environmental Forum on Wednesday December 13 desde 5:30-7pm at the Merriweather Library, 1324 Jefferson Ave in Buffalo. The topic this month will be the recently announced NYS DEC Urban Forestry grants.

This meeting will also be livestreamedcontact Kayla Baker for more information at o 716-541-9631.
Clean Air staff will be in attendance.

DEC and EPA Regulatory Public Comment Periods

141 Bushnell Street Buffalo EPA Action

EPA On-Scene Coordinators are overseeing the removal of chemical waste at 141 Bushnell Street in the Seneca-Babcock area of Buffalo. Read more about this project or contact the OSC by clicking here.

Advocacy Institute ClassPreparing for 2024 Legislative Session

Join the Advocacy Institute on Thursday, December 7th from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM for a training titledSetting Yourself Up for Success: Preparing for the 2024 Sesión” where they will be joined by policy experts and experienced advocates to discuss the upcoming New York State legislative and budget session. Conversations will include a review of the 2023 sesión, what advocates should be aware of going into a state-election year, ways to build in your community, and how organizations can engage with elected officials in order to move their campaigns forward. Clean Air members have free access to AI trainingsdonate today to renew your membership!

Congrats to Hamburg Organizers!

Residents in Hamburg are celebrating a successful organizing campaign opposing the building of a new asphalt plantcongratulations to these residents for their win!

STAMP Updates

Clean Air continues to monitor and support efforts to oppose the new STAMP industrial park in Genesee County, which regional indigenous nations are strongly opposed to. This month, the Investigative Post reported on how NYS has committed an additional $56 million in taxpayer dollars to finance related infrastructure projects, while the Buffalo News reported on the precarious financial status of the main anchor tenant, Plug Power.

Create a Watershed HeroPoster Contest

NYS DEC and NY Water Environment Association is holding their annual middle school watershed poster contest through January 12, 2024the theme this year isCreate a Watershed Superheroand winners will be featured in DEC and NYWEA’s 2025 Annual Calendar.

New Delhi India

Air Quality Emergency

A combination of lower temperatures, still wind and crop stubble burning has caused an air quality emergency in the capital of India, New Delhi, with readings well above 450 AQI, which is dangerous for everyone. Read more by clicking here.

💜 Rest in Power Ina Ferguson 💜

We were saddened to hear of the passing of Ina J. Ferguson earlier this monthIna was a powerhouse in local advocacy circles, fighting for everything from labor rights to environmental justice to education and beyond. Read more about her incredible life and lasting impact by clicking here.

Reportar un contaminador

Vea humo oscuro o polvo que se eleva desde un sitio industrial., o oler algo asqueroso?

Visitar para presentar un informe, o, para una respuesta rápida, llamar 1-844-DEC-ECOS (1-844-332-3267) o la línea directa de derrames/olores del DEC en 1-800-457-7362.

Si desea que CACWNY lo apoye, envíanos una copia de tu informe!

Calendario de próximos eventos

Eventos CACWNY

Eventos comunitarios y de coalición

Plazos para comentarios públicos y audiencias

Consulte también nuestra lista de eventos actualizada periódicamente en y

Ayuda mutua

¿Necesitas una mascarilla N95?? Tenemos un suministro limitado disponible en la oficina para nuestros miembros. – envíanos un correo electrónico rápido y te enviaremos algunos! Fomentamos el uso de máscaras en nuestros eventos presenciales., particularmente durante las temporadas de máxima transmisión de COVID.

Asegúrese de revisar el Grupo de Facebook de Buffalo Mutual Aid Network, donde se publican de forma continua servicios de ayuda mutua y convocatorias de donaciones y donaciones. También puedes hacer clic aquí para unirte a la Buffalo Snow Brigade. También sugerimos consultar los recursos en así como su nuevo sitio web

Si está interesado en unirse a esfuerzos de ayuda mutua con Clean Air, particularmente en el ámbito de la resiliencia comunitaria en medio del cambio climático,
por favor contacta con Bridge.

Recomendaciones mensuales del personal – Family Holiday Traditions

Bridge’s family celebrates St. NicholasDay by putting their shoes out on the night of December 5th to be filled with candy.

cris’ family celebrates Polish Christmas Eve or Wigilia, which is a holiday that dates back to pre-Christian Poland and has a number of traditions such as 12 meatless dishes and leaving out a space for family members who have passed.

Interesado en unirse a nuestras campañas Tonawanda Tomorrow o River Road, Campaña de prueba de trabajo, o apoyando a NYRenews/justicia climática?

Interesado en unirse a nuestro Peabody Street, Campañas TESLA, Alianza para la democracia energética, u otro trabajo de campaña de Transición Justa?

Interesado en unirse a nuestro
American Axle campaign or supporting our work in the Delavan-Grider neighborhood?

Interesado en unirse a nuestro comité de eventos, equipo de ayuda mutua, o desea conectarse con CACWNY sobre una campaña o tema emergente?

Interesado en apoyar los esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos de base de Clean Air, o conoce una oportunidad de subvención que podría apoyar nuestro trabajo?

Quieres donar para apoyar nuestro trabajo?


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