Junio ​​Julio 2023 Actualizaciones mensuales por correo electrónico

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Octubre – De noviembre 2022 Actualizaciones de Aire Limpio

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We hope you have lots of summer plans lined up!

If you are in town on Thursday July 20, nuestro next General Meeting will be here at our office at Trinity Church (371 Delaware Avenue in downtown Buffalo.)
Please register to help us plan by clicking here.

Con pan y rosas,

Puente, cris, and Phil

Wildfire Smoke

As long as the fires in Quebec continue to burn, wildfire smoke will continue to be an ongoing hazard. We wrote a couple short blog posts this month about the basics of understanding the Air Quality Index, and about some practical steps we can all take to reduce our exposure. Our next Emergency Preparedness and Mutual Aid training in September will also focus on shelter in place events.

The health effects of wildfire smoke should not be underestimated in NYC, asthma emergencies spiked sharply. Despite the danger, media personalities on the right are already downplaying the risk, in no small part due to the financial impact that reining in PM 2.5 pollutants will have on industries that harm our communities.

Summer Canvassing

We will be canvassing in our campaign areas over the next few months to catch up with residents about their concerns and recruit new members.

If you are interested in signing up for a shift or two, either contact campaign staff, or sign up for the Tonawanda-area canvasses using this form:


End of Session Summary

As Albany wraps up it’s 2022-2023 sesión, we celebrate the successful passage of the Build Public Renewables Act and the All-Electric Buildings Act as well as progress on the Climate Action Fund earlier this year. While the NY HEAT Act, la Ley del Superfondo Climático, and the Just Energy Transition Act all passed the Senate, these bills unfortunately stalled in the Assembly and will need to be again on the top of statewide policy goals in the next session. Read more from City Limits here.

We also are celebrating the passage of the Make New York A Safe Haven for Transgender Youth & Families act! This was one of the bills that we spotlighted with the Pride Parade Justice Bloc.

Huntley Eminent Domain Moving Forward

Nos alegró ver la noticia este mes de que un panel de jueces de la División de Apelaciones del Estado de Nueva York desestimó una petición presentada por NRG, que buscaba evitar que la ciudad de Tonawanda se apoderara de la antigua propiedad de Huntley mediante expropiación.

NRG ha estado demorando sus avances no solo con la limpieza y reurbanización de las instalaciones., sino también de la limpieza de los estanques de cenizas de carbón adyacentes a la enorme estructura.

We are hopeful that our ongoing conversations and advocacy efforts with the Town of Tonawanda will ensure that the visons of the Tonawanda Tomorrow Plan will be implementedjoin our Tonawanda Tomorrow Team to help us fight for equitable redevelopment, and join our River Road Watchdogs team to help us push NRG to take action to clean up the ash ponds!

Updates to Coal Ash Regulations and Power Plant Pollution Standards

Y, speaking of the coal ash ponds at Huntley, La Agencia de Protección Ambiental está considerando actualmente actualizaciones para fortalecer las regulaciones a nivel nacional sobre estanques de cenizas de carbón en instalaciones heredadas. Puede leer más sobre estos cambios propuestos en Comunicado de prensa de EarthJustice y en Grist.org, que publicó algunos fantásticos informes en profundidad sobre este tema.. Recomendamos encarecidamente enviar una carta a la EPA fomentando regulaciones sólidas utilizando la herramienta de un solo clic de EarthJustice. Los comentarios vencen en julio. 17.

La EPA también está ultimando reglas sobre estándares de contaminación de carbono en centrales eléctricas todavía en funcionamiento – haga clic aquí para enviar una carta a la EPA utilizando otro herramienta de un clic de EarthJustice. Los comentarios vencen en agosto. 8.

Clean Air Joins Joint Call to Open Digihost’s Air Permit Application to Public Comment

Clean Air joined residents from North Tonawanda, advocates from statewide groups, and Assemblymember Kelles earlier this month to call on Governor Hochul and the NYS DEC to move the Title V Air Permit application for the Digihost cryptocurrency gas peaker plant forward to public comment. It’s now been over two years since the Digihost/Fortistar power plant submitted its application for an air permit renewal. Read more from the press release y el coverage in the Buffalo News.

Also of note, la New York Times recently covered a story about how noise exposure is actually far worse for public health than previously known, and about links to cardiovascular issues caused by chronic high noise. Cryptocurrency generation often relies on large cooling fans, which can cause enormous amounts of sound pollutionNorth Tonawanda residents near Digihost compare the sound to living next to a jet engine.

Descanse en el poder, Shirley Hamilton! Justin Driscoll Denied Promotion to Permanent Head of NYPA

Clean Air supported calls earlier this month from our colleagues in the Public Power New York coalition to oppose the permanent nomination of Justin Driscoll to head the New York Power Authority.

Driscoll very vocally opposed the Build Public Renewables Act, y, as the late great Shirley Hamilton shared with the Buffalo News shortly before her passing, he also played a role in marginalizing discrimination complaints during his nine years at the authority. We are happy to report that earlier this month the state senate declined to bring a full floor vote on Driscoll’s permanent nomination, but he will continue on as acting interim head so long as Governor Hochul does not nominate a new interim.

June Events

Buffalo Pride Parade

We hope you enjoy these photos from all the events this month!

Buffalo Pride Parade

Community Disaster Resilience Zone Act of 2022

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is looking for public recommendations and comments on the implementation of the Community Disaster Resilience Zone Act of 2022. This act will incorporate FEMA’s National Risk Index in the process of designating community disaster zones. These zones will represent areas that could contain the highest risk to natural hazards and also have a lower ability to be resilient to these identified risks.

FEMA is requesting public input for data used in the National Risk Index, the application of risk assessment tools to reduce natural hazard impacts, the process of identifying community disaster zones, and recommendations for incorporating equity and geographic balance when designating these zones.

To learn more about the Community Disaster Resilience Zone Act and to submit comments for your community, visita Regulations.gov. Comments can also be submitted by emailing FEMA-CDRZ-RFI@fema.dhs.gov. Submit comments by Julio 25, 2023.

Shut Down Line 5

Line 5 es un 70 year old oil pipeline owned by Enbridge that runs through the Straits of Mackinac between Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. Environmental justice advocates from the region are asking for supporters to send a letter to President Biden to push him to shut down this pipeline before a catastrophic spill occurs.

Reportar un contaminador

Vea humo oscuro o polvo que se eleva desde un sitio industrial., o oler algo asqueroso?

Visitar dec.ny.gov/regulations/67751.html para presentar un informe, o, para una respuesta rápida, llamar 1-844-DEC-ECOS (1-844-332-3267) o la línea directa de derrames/olores del DEC en 1-800-457-7362.

Si desea que CACWNY lo apoye, envíanos una copia de tu informe!

Calendario de próximos eventos

Ayuda mutua

¿Necesitas una mascarilla N95?? Tenemos un suministro limitado disponible en la oficina para nuestros miembros. – envíanos un correo electrónico rápido y te enviaremos algunos! Fomentamos el uso de máscaras en nuestros eventos presenciales., particularmente durante las temporadas de máxima transmisión de COVID.

Asegúrese de revisar el Grupo de Facebook de Buffalo Mutual Aid Network, donde se publican de forma continua servicios de ayuda mutua y convocatorias de donaciones y donaciones. También puedes hacer clic aquí para unirte a la Buffalo Snow Brigade. También sugerimos consultar los recursos en mutualaiddisasterrelief.org así como su nuevo sitio web aliviotoolkit.com.

Si está interesado en unirse a esfuerzos de ayuda mutua con Clean Air, particularmente en el ámbito de la resiliencia comunitaria en medio del cambio climático,
por favor contacta con Bridge.

Recomendaciones mensuales del personal

We recommend everyone watch these short videos on how to build a DIY air filter!

1 filterhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnIvLBe6xUE

2 filtershttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSSuPi-i4Nc

4 filtershttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aw7fUMhNov8

Interesado en unirse a nuestras campañas Tonawanda Tomorrow o River Road, Campaña de prueba de trabajo, o apoyando a NYRenews/justicia climática?

Interesado en unirse a nuestro Peabody Street, Campañas TESLA, Alianza para la democracia energética, u otro trabajo de campaña de Transición Justa?

Interesado en unirse a nuestro
Campaña del eje americano?

Interesado en unirse a nuestro comité de eventos, equipo de ayuda mutua, o desea conectarse con CACWNY sobre una campaña o tema emergente?


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