Ayúdanos a llegar a la Conferencia de PB en Oakland!

Back in May we submitted a proposal to present at the 3rd International Conference on Participatory Budgeting in North America: Dinero real, Real Power and it was accepted!

Clean Air has been working hard over the past couple of years to implement a more democratic and participatory budgeting process in the City of Buffalo and tried to ensure that Tonawanda Coke’s fines from their violations stayed in the neighborhood and went towards community designed projects.

Our efforts to keep Tonawanda Coke’s fine money in Tonawanda and to get the City of Buffalo to adopt PB in their budgeting process have not gone unnoticed and we are so excited to share the work we’re doing in Western New York with an international audience.

But we can’t do it without contributions from our family, amigos, supporters and members! Attending this conference is important to us and our members not only because we will be presenting, but we will also get to learn from others who have implemented PB where they live and will return ready to share the skills and knowledge we need to make PB happen in our communities.

We are working hard to reach our goal through various fundraising events, but every bit helps. If you are reading this I am asking you to please dig deep and make a contribution of upwards of $50 to help get us a step closer to making this amazing opportunity a reality and to pass this message along to your friends who also love democracy.

You can donate* online at www.cacwny.org/donar or by sending a check to Clean Air, 52 Linwood Avenue, Búfalo, Nueva York 14209, calling our offices 716.852.3813 or reaching out to any one of our fine delegation attending the conference: Natasha Soto, Rebecca Newberry, William Yelder, Tangia Delk and, Glenn Ratajczak.

Thank you for taking the time to read thisletterand for your donation (in advance) towards a healthier, happier and more participatory democracy here, locally.

Vídeo: Tangia Delk, Will Yelder and Natasha talk to Artvoice TV about PB


*please make a note that your donation is for the PB Conference. Thanks again!

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